
瑜珈師資培訓 暨 身心靈成長假期

由Adnan Tahirovic(阿南)及Yogi James Lo(羅明璋)聯合主持
*Adnan Tahirovic(阿南)主持之課程將以中英雙語進行,由阮淑英老師擔任翻譯*

1.Adnan Tahirovic(阿南) -- 國際瑜珈聯盟E-RYT 500認証指導師
阿南(Adnan Tahirovic)於年僅19歲時為探尋自我而離開家鄉,雖然為謀生而辛苦奮鬥,但他在歐洲依然致力於專業空手道、跆拳道及泰拳的學習及競賽。在那些艱困的歲月中,他仍獨獲法國的武術大師Dominique Valera寶貴的持續指導。而數十年來的激烈競賽及嚴格訓練,對他的左膝造成了嚴重的傷害,卻也從此驅使他發現生命的轉變。他意識到,多年來他皆著重於外在的力量和速度的感覺,也促使了他全力分享和傳播自身的知識。就在此時,阿南走上了有條理的研究及瑜珈教學之路。他在科羅拉多州博爾德市(Boulder, Colorado.)跟隨Marcia Solomon老師(現任教於Richard Freeman的瑜珈工作坊)上了數年的私人課程。最終,Richard Freeman也成為了阿南在瑜珈之路上的指導老師及良師益友。2000年,阿南更獲得了指壓治療及瑞典按摩之證書,結合了深入的解剖知識及按摩技術,讓他藉以幫助更多人實現了健康的身體。居住於渥太華(Ottawa)期間,阿南與友人合開名為Santosha的瑜珈工作室(Santosha Yoga Studio),並撰寫書籍Yoga Supreme Art of Living,書中結合諸多內容如瑜珈
瑜珈境 (Sivananda Yoga Studio) http://www.sivanandayoga.com.tw
TEL:02-2230-2005 地址:台北市文山區興隆路三段 134 號 2 樓
及武術等,並曾發表於英國之瑜珈雜誌。他主要教授八支(Ashtanga)瑜珈及哈達(Hatha)瑜珈,並特別注重身體之順位與流動。阿南專注於自我提昇及渴望自我療癒的精神引領他到了臺灣,也是他向著名中醫Lin Zhong Hsien教授學習中醫推拿與身體結構調整之處。阿南並在台北的Space Yoga更深化了他的教學經驗,並且至中國、泰國及奧地利等地帶領研習工作坊、密集班及師資培訓,並且持續在溫哥華向Wenrong Chen教授學習中醫推拿。自2011年開始,阿南返回渥太華繼續他的生活、練習以及教學,在他令人信賴、精確且成熟的教學風格下,阿南更奠定了堅定的基礎並在教學時逐步解說每個體位法。他的幽默及感同身受讓他的教學充滿了活力及挑戰性,並且讓他的學生們不斷的超越了自己的極限。
2.Yogi James Lo (羅明璋) -- 台灣省體育會瑜珈運動協會會長
在母親前台灣省體育會瑜珈運動協會會長羅鄒寶香女士的薰陶下,在國中時即開始閱讀所有瑜珈哲學書籍,1997-2001年於聖嚴法師座下出家修習禪法,2004年取得瑜珈教練資格,2005-2007年於北京擔任瑜珈教練。自2007年開始前往印度學習瑜珈並多次被印度媒體報導,為台灣首位印度施化難陀認證教師(Sivananda Ashram AMD YTTC)。2008年擔任台灣省體育會瑜珈協會專任講師培訓丙級瑜珈教練。2009年擔任台中市、高雄市、左營、宜蘭縣瑜珈協會及台北市文山區瑜珈委員會等單位之瑜珈師資培訓課程之講師並於台北市文山區創辦瑜珈境瑜珈教室。同年10月獲聘為「台灣省體育會瑜珈協會會長」暨「基隆市體育會瑜珈委員會主任委員」,並任教於國立中正紀念堂、瑜珈境及基隆瑜珈教室。2010年12月於印度取得靈氣自然療癒-大師及教師級證照,並受印度施化難陀修道院頒贈瑜珈之寶(Gem of Yoga)獎牌。
1.體位法Asana -- 學習正確的順位原則,與基礎及進階的技巧,幫助學員能從容面對受傷、疑懼,慣性模式等。並教授如何帶領課堂裡不同程度的學員,進入同一能量頻率的動作串連練習,同時給予替代動作。學習有自信的調整技巧、運用呼吸來調整身體能量、觀察學員的身體並從中讀出訊息、動作難度循序漸進:針對初學者、中級程度及進階練習者、創造有趣的單元並訂定課堂練習的主題、學習如何規劃小型的研習課及特定主題的課程。主要課題: 基礎順位原則/拜日式(及其變化式)/對稱站姿、不對稱站姿(及其變化式)/前彎(預備式、變化式、強化動作)/開髖關節、肩膀(初級、中級)/後彎(初級、中級)/手平衡 /倒立 /靜瑜珈 /動作編排的原則、節奏、空間的掌握/ 流暢的動作串連(及其各種不同方式)/ 調整手法:何時調整?何時不?調整的力道(調整新手與老手之間的差異)/ 口令及眼神的暗示/ 梵文:體位法的名稱、慣用詞彙/ 實用解剖學(學習如何實際調整動作)/ 瑜珈的療癒應用
2.冥想Meditation -- 如何駕馭心靈,特別是我們在練習靜坐冥想時。靜坐冥想不是「坐」或「做」出來的,它是一種「自然的發生」。但我們何時能做到呢?為了在每個人的靜坐冥想經驗過程中提供幫助,我們會教導一些冥想技巧,從外在到內在集中心念,進而進入禪定。
3.生命能量呼吸法Pranayama -- 學習初階與進階呼吸法的練習。並了解練習順序、技巧與禁忌。主要呼吸法:嗡卡(Omkar)、蜂鳴式呼吸法(Brahmari),清涼呼吸法及嘶聲呼吸法(Sitali & Sitkari)、
瑜珈境 (Sivananda Yoga Studio) http://www.sivanandayoga.com.tw
TEL:02-2230-2005 地址:台北市文山區興隆路三段 134 號 2 樓
勝利呼吸法(Ujjayi)、頭顱發光呼吸法(Kapalabhati)、風箱式呼吸法(Bhastrika)、完全喜悅呼吸法(Sukhapurvaka)、施化難陀呼吸法(Sivananda Pranayama)。
4.生理解剖學 Physical Anatomy -- 我們將仔細地探索生理解剖學。在課程中您將會有條不紊地瞭解與體位法、串連動作、呼吸法相關的人體解剖學。另外,我們將會帶您認識神經系統、肌肉骨骼系統、膝蓋臀部關節、骨盆、脊椎、循環系統及其他重點。
5.瑜珈哲學 Yoga Philosophy -- 《薄珈梵歌》賦予瑜珈的最初的輪廓,聖哲帕坦珈利則透過更加詳盡的文字在《瑜珈經》中具體的闡述瑜珈的思想與哲理。瞭解這些文本,也就開啟了您的練習,並給予您教學的基礎。
6.教學技巧 Teaching Skill -- 這是一種實際的課程,在此,您會從「做」中學。向別人解釋或示範動作時,需要將這些教學內容先深植意識中。您將會從旁觀摩教學到實際協助調整同學,也學會學習如何教導一對一教學或團體教學兩者所用不同的教學指令。
7.瑜珈解剖學 Yoga Anatomy --身體最終極層面的覺知與瞭解,將會使瑜珈體位法的練習大大地進步。課程中將學習瑜珈解剖學,並將其整合到自己的練習中。想在練習中辨識出能量的實相,就必須專心從脈輪、經脈、氣息、人的五層意識層面大量接受訊息,這些都必須要在瑜珈練習的循序進展中,才能得到啟發,學習與瞭解並實際運用在體位法練習。
8.靈氣第一、二級點化及練習 Reiki First & Second Degree -- 靈氣一詞源於日本。意指宇宙能量,是一種利用宇宙能量供應人類所欠缺的能量,加速自癒能力的方法。將透過點化,開啟身體的通道與宇宙連結,簡單和自然地吸收更多宇宙源源不絕的能量,重拾生命力。「靈氣」能增強和均衡自己身體能量,可以用來保健、減壓、美容、開發靈性、平衡身心及療癒。學習後可以替自己或他人療癒,達到最佳的療效 。
1. RYT200美國瑜珈聯盟200小時認證
2. 丙級瑜珈教練基隆市體育會瑜珈委員會認證
3. 靈氣自然療癒第一、二級Reiki Master & Teacher Degree Yogi James Lo羅明璋認證
2nd Annual Celebration Events of Sivananda Yoga Studio
September 25~October 21, 2011 (27 days in total)
Conducted by Adnan Tahirovic & Yogi James Lo
*Offered in both Chinese and English, with interpretation provided by Juan, Shu-Ying
Yoga Teacher Training &
Vacation for Physical and Spiritual Growth
Experience the energy of life by practicing the Pranayama to control life force while gazing upon the sunrise. Indulge yourself in the perfect body-spirit combination interconnected with the nature while listening to the ocean waves and delighting in the Asana groove. The sky, the earth, and the ocean nurture our spirits and facilitate our meditation practices, aiding in the growth of our spirits. Home to the Indian yoga philosophy and the Vedas, you are invited to share your knowledge with instructors and colleagues. Do you long to have such a vacation to reach the status of physical and spiritual tranquility? We, the Sivananda Yoga Studio, are offering a precious opportunity in September for you to practice yoga in an environment with breathtaking mountain and ocean views so you can leave every snag in daily life and concentrate on our intense yoga program. The bonuses include outdoor beach hot spring resorts at night and scuba diving, boat diving, island adventure and lots of outdoors and wide nature on the weekends. You are eligible to receive an official certificate accredited both domestically and internationally upon completion of the program. Detailed information ensues.
1. Adnan Tahirovic -- E-RYT 500 Instructor Certified by Yoga Alliance
Adnan Tahirovic left his homeland in search of personal sovereignty when he was only 19 years old. While struggling to make a living, he did his utmost in learning, practicing and competing professionally in karate, kickboxing and Thai boxing in Europe. During those difficult years of self-searching, he became a student of and received invaluable continuous mentoring from Dominique Valera - the great martial arts master of France. The intense decades of rigorous training and competition left Adnan with serious knee problems and rewarded him with life-changing discoveries. He realized that for many years he was mostly focusing on the external sensations of strength and velocity. He also recognized that he felt most driven and complete when sharing and transmitting his knowledge to others. It was then that Adnan embarked on the methodical study and teaching of yoga. For a number of years he took private classes with Marcia Solomon who now teaches at Richard Freeman's Yoga Workshop in Boulder, Colorado. Ultimately Richard Freeman became Adnan’s teacher and mentor. In 2000, Adnan obtained a massage therapist diploma in Shiatsu and Swedish massage. Combining a
瑜珈境 (Sivananda Yoga Studio) http://www.sivanandayoga.com.tw
TEL:02-2230-2005 地址:台北市文山區興隆路三段 134 號 2 樓
Add: 2F, No.134, Sec. 3, Singlong Rd., Wunshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
deep knowledge of anatomy with these massage techniques, he helped many people achieve better physical health. While living in Ottawa, Adnan co-owned Santosha Yoga studio and wrote a book, Yoga Supreme Art of Living, as well as numerous articles, including Yoga and Martial Arts published in Yoga Magazine, UK edition. He taught Ashtanga and free style Hatha yoga with a focus on alignment and flow. Adnan’s focus on self-improvement and his desire to deepen his ability to heal himself and others brought him to Taiwan, where he studied the art of Tui na massage - Chinese medical massage and structural alignment techniques - with renowned Dr. Lin Zhong Hsien. Adnan deepened his teaching practice at Space Yoga in Taipei and traveled to China, Thailand and Austria to conduct workshops, intensives and teacher trainings. Adnan continues his studies in Tui na with Dr. Wenrong Chen in Vancouver. Since the beginning of 2011, Adnan lives, practices and teaches in Ottawa. Authentic and precise in his mature teaching, Adnan lays a solid foundation and progressively refines each of the asanas while teaching. His sense of humor and compassion shine through as his dynamic and challenging teaching style moves his students beyond their perceived limits.
2. Yogi James Lo -- Director of Taiwan Yoga Association
Inspired by his mother Bao-Xiang Tzo Lo, former Director of Taiwan Yoga Association, he began dabbling books on yoga philosophy when he was in junior high school. He was exposed to Zen Buddhism between 1997 and 2001 with the help from Master Sheng Yen. Yogi James Lo was awarded the qualification for yoga teaching in Taiwan in 2004, following which he served as a yoga teacher in Beijing from 2005 to 2007. Immediately after in the same year, He went to India for further studies on yoga and was constantly exposed to Indian media coverage. He was conferred the title of ―Sivananda Ashram AMD,‖ earning the honor unprecedentedly as a Taiwanese.
Yogi James Lo served as a professional yoga instructor of Level C training for Taiwan Yoga Association, teaching yoga philosophy, pranayama, meditation, and yoga asana in 2008. He became an instructor of yoga teacher’s training programs affiliated by Taichung City, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying, Yilan County Yoga Associations and established a yoga studio called Sivananda in Wenshan District, Taipei City in 2009. At the same year, he had the honor to be recruited to serve as the Director of Taiwan Yoga Association and the Chairman of Keelung City Yoga Association and was granted teaching asanas by National C.K.S Memorial Hall, Sivananda Yoga Studio, and Keelung Yoga Studio in October. He received a Master and professorial level certificate in Reiki natural therapy and was bestowed upon the medal of ―the Gem of Yoga.‖
Training Programs:
1. Asana
Yoga practices are focused on alignment and skills from elementary to advance that facilitate students’ abilities to cope with injuries, fears, and inertia. It is capable of demonstrating how to lead students of different levels to practice moves with the same energy frequency and show them alternative moves.
瑜珈境 (Sivananda Yoga Studio) http://www.sivanandayoga.com.tw
TEL:02-2230-2005 地址:台北市文山區興隆路三段 134 號 2 樓
Add: 2F, No.134, Sec. 3, Singlong Rd., Wunshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Students are expected to learn to adjust their techniques with confidence, regulate body energy through breathing, observe the bodies of other colleagues and interpret the messages in them, and follow a learning trajectory in accordance with various degrees of difficulty. With regard to beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners, we have specific interesting units available and design different topics for class exercises and teach how to coordinate small-sized workshops and courses on specific themes. Major themes include alignment/ Sun Salutation (and its variants)/ symmetric and asymmetric standing postures (and its variants)/ forward bend (preparatory, variants, reinforcements)/ widening of pelvis joints and shoulders (elementary and intermediate)/ backbends (elementary and intermediate)/ hand balance/ handstand/ restorative yoga/ principles, grooves, and space of choreography/ smooth and fluent sequence and different variants) /adjustments versus the strengths of when to adjustments versus differences between the inexperienced and experienced/ cues of orders and eye contacts/ names and terminologies of asana/ practical anatomy (about how to adjust actual moves/ effects of yoga treatments.
2. Meditation
Meditation is about how to manipulate the state of mind, especially when asana meditation is practiced. It’s not being seated or doing something, but rather a natural occurrence. As for when, we will guide everyone in the process of meditation by teaching some meditation techniques to lead them to the status of Zen through mind set concentration from the outside.
3. Pranayama
Pranayama is the practice of entry- and advanced level breathing as well as orders, techniques, and taboos of practices. Major breathing methods include: Omkar, Brahmar, Sitali & Sitkari, Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Bhastrika, Sukhapurvaka, Sivananda Pranayama
4. Anatomy of movement
We will study anatomy of movement in-depth, introducing human anatomy associated with asana, sequence, and breathing in an organized order. In addition, you will be acquainted with nervous system, muscle and bone structure, knee and hip joints, pelvis, spine, circulation system, and etc.
5. Yoga Philosophy
Bhagavad Gita defines the primitive outline of yoga. Patanjali further interprets the thinking and philosophy in the more enriched text of Yoga Sutra. Understanding these texts opens a door to your exercise and paves a way for your teaching.
6. Teaching Skills
This is a pragmatic program in which you can learn from ―doing.‖ When explaining or demonstrating to other people, one needs to ingrain all the content of teaching in consciousness. You will have the opportunity to observe the teaching process and actually engage in helping students adjust and teaching different orders for one-on-one or group teaching.
瑜珈境 (Sivananda Yoga Studio) http://www.sivanandayoga.com.tw
TEL:02-2230-2005 地址:台北市文山區興隆路三段 134 號 2 樓
Add: 2F, No.134, Sec. 3, Singlong Rd., Wunshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
7. Yoga Anatomy
Yoga anatomy is the ultimate awareness and understanding of body, which will significantly promote yoga anatomy. You will be exposed to yoga anatomy and integrate yourself in it. You must focus on mass receipt of messages in the aspects of chakra, meridians, qi, and human if you desire to recognize the truth of energy during the process. These can only be inspired incrementally in yoga exercise. And they can be acquired and applied to asana practices.
8. Reiki First and Second Degree Attunement and Practice
The term ―reiki‖ was first coined in Japan, meaning the power of the universe, which is demanded by human beings and is a method that expedites self healing. Your body channels and the universe will be connected through attunement so the body can revitalized after fully absorbing the never exhausting power of the universe. Reiki is considered to be able to strengthen and balance the body energy and can be used for health care, relaxing, beauty, spiritual exploring, body and mind balancing, and healing purposes. It will help heal oneself and others and will serve as the best treatment.
Program Certificates and their Licensing Organizations
1. RYT 200 (RYT200)-A 200-hour certificate issued by Yoga Alliance
2. Level-C Yoga Instructor-Certified by Keelung City Yoga Association
3. Reiki First & Second Level Natural Healing-Certified by Yogi James Lo

瑜珈境 (Sivananda Yoga Studio)
TEL:02-2230-2005 地址:台北市文山區興隆路三段 134 號 2 樓
Add: 2F, No.134, Sec. 3, Singlong Rd., Wunshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



近年來,隨著瑜伽運動在國內的日益普及,使得練習者從中受益很多,身心更加健康。 但是,由於我們國內練習者所接觸的瑜伽風格大多是傳統的哈他瑜伽體系,而其他風格的瑜伽很少接觸,甚至沒有練習過。 因此大家對於在國際上非常流行的阿師湯伽串聯瑜伽知之甚少。 本書作為普及讀物,盡可能用最簡練的語言,最直接的表達方式來描述、來介紹這個已有近千年曆史的古老體系。
阿師湯伽串聯瑜伽以嚴格的練習規則,科學的組合排列,完整健康的呼吸,讓練習者充分發揮自己的潛能。 它在體位、呼吸、凝視、收束法等方面的練習有自己非常獨到的特點。 阿師湯伽串聯瑜伽講究人體的身體構造、生理特點和氣息能量的應用,非常適合大眾練習,現在許多健身房中開設了本課程,吸引了眾多的瑜伽以及健美操、舞蹈、武術、普拉提的愛好者。



主要专业教授艾杨格治疗瑜伽体系(Iyengar Yoga) , 阿师汤伽串联瑜伽体系(Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga)和核心流瑜伽(hatha vinyasa yoga)。善于应用艾杨格瑜伽体系的安全精准的细节和人体解剖理论对学生进行治疗和矫正,把艾杨格瑜伽的细节精准安全理念融入到串连性练习之中,强调用体位的精确平衡性来引导气息能量的平稳对称最终让内在意识专注,同时善于利用瑜伽经的理念来引导练习,让练习充满智慧和灵性。








1. 1968年出生于中国北京。

2. 1987年到1991年毕业于北京科技大学计算机软件应用专业。

3. 1991年到2001年专业从事软件应用系统工程师工作。

4. 1998年,因在体育运动中摔伤导致手臂,腰椎和膝关节骨折,同时在长期软件开发工作中积累了腰椎间盘突出症,这些损伤严重的影响了他的正常生活。在配合医生治疗的过程中结合了哈它瑜伽的练习,在身体如此僵硬和损伤的状态下接触瑜伽体式的练习,困难重重,经过两年时间的系统练习后康复,寄予对瑜伽的热爱,从此放弃高薪工作,走上瑜伽练习教授推广之路。

5. 2001年开始正式系统的学习阿师汤伽瑜伽和艾杨格瑜伽体系的学习和练习,主要同到中国短期访问的艾杨格瑜伽体系的老师学习。用艾杨格瑜伽继续康复矫正身体,用阿师汤伽瑜伽获得内在之力。

6. 2005年在2月到印度普那(Pune)的艾杨格瑜伽学院学习艾杨格瑜伽。这也是最早到艾杨格学校学习练习的中国学生,此后每年定期2次到印度跟随艾杨格大师的学生Usha、印度喜马拉雅艾杨格瑜伽学校校长Sharant,印度恒河艾杨格瑜伽学校创始人chenchanni夫妇学习直到现在,不间断的定期的学习艾杨格体系课程,让李晓钟老师始终能够保持同艾杨格体系发展相同步。经过多年系统学习和练习,获得了对艾式体系的深入理解,特别是身体细节调整对位和治疗矫正,以及对内在治疗的问题,同时也让自己的课程从开始的粗浅到现在的深入和精细。

7. 2005年10月到印度迈索(Mysore)的阿师汤伽瑜伽研究中心练习阿师汤伽瑜伽。从此定期前往迈索不断加深对阿师汤伽串联体系的理解,之后获得了练习二级的批准。

8. 2005年10月出版发行了个人第一本瑜伽练习手册:《瑜伽练习:从初学到精进》。

9. 2005年10月参与了艾杨格大师《瑜伽之光》一书的中文翻译校对编辑工作。

10. 从2005年11月开始在中国推广和教授艾杨格瑜伽,用精确准确细节解剖学的理念来安全练习瑜伽,进而带动呼吸的平衡和稳定,最终让自己走入到内在的平衡专注之中。善于应用艾杨格瑜伽体系的安全精准的细节和人体解剖理论位学生进行治疗和矫正。这些课程引起各地瑜伽老师和学生的极大关注,逐步认识到安全练习的重要性,也为后来的艾杨格瑜伽不断推广打下了群众基础。

11. 2005年12月开始在中国把艾杨格瑜伽的细节精准安全理念融入到流瑜伽练习之中,使得流瑜伽既有气息能量的感觉,又有精准安全的保证,在能量控制之中追求一种自然的内在平衡,让流瑜伽具有安全性,精准性和安全性是始终要保持的特性,从艾杨格中借鉴精准细节治疗康复的特性,从阿师汤加中吸取气息能量流动自如的特性,这种流也是当今世界瑜伽界中所倡导的。

12. 2006年6月出版发行国内第一个阿师汤伽挂图:《阿师汤伽瑜伽初级二级挂图》。

13. 2006年11月,李晓钟老师建立了国内第一个标准的艾杨格瑜伽的教室和培训体系。不仅是20多种工具的制作安装使用,更是课程的严谨定义,教学内容的合理而严格等。特别是艾杨格体系中经常使用的工具:抱枕,绳索,椅子,各种型号木砖等的制作都是国内首次使用,同时也帮助瑜伽产品公司开发了大批艾杨格体所需要的工具,这也为艾杨格体系在中国的发展打下一个基础。

14. 从2006年12月开始在全国20个城市巡回举办瑜伽安全练习知识讲座:《瑜伽生理结构解剖与安全练习教授方法讲座》,为期一年时间,举办公开课程和公益讲演。安全的练习理念不断深入各地的瑜伽老师和练习者中,为开展艾杨格体系打下基础。

15. 2007年12月1日,第一届“北京李晓钟瑜伽之光静修中心”学生年终免费培训课程,主题:流瑜伽同阿师汤伽串联瑜伽的内含分析。这也是国内首次以免费形式举办的培训,其意义重大,它标志着国内瑜伽培训的日趋成熟,学生的学习进修意识逐步加强,这样也极大地提高了各地瑜伽馆的教授水平,在交流中不断进步,这一直是李晓钟老师提出的理念。

16. 2007年12月出版了国内第一个涉及艾杨格和阿师汤伽瑜伽练习方法的内部交流杂志《瑜伽之光》,以提高学生和各地老师的授课和练习水平。此杂志没有任何商业目的,属于学生的交流刊物,涉及练习方法的改进,授课问题的解决,各种病情的解决。如同架在每一个学生和老师中间的桥梁。

17. 2008年11月,第二届“北京李晓钟瑜伽之光静修中心”学生年终免费培训课程,主题:阿师汤伽串联瑜伽与生理解剖的内含意义。

18. 2009年7月建立了国内第一个标准的艾杨格瑜伽的教室和培训体系。不仅是工具的制作,更是课程的严谨定义,教学内容的合理而严格等。

19. 2009年9月出版了国内首次用布制作的《阿师汤伽串联初级练习图谱》,具有很好的收藏价值。

20. 2009年10月参加印度帕坦伽利艾杨格瑜伽学校校长乌莎(Usha)的密集提高治疗课程培训,培训中积累了对简单体式所具有的深入治疗性的认识,也不断的深化了对瑜伽经的理解。

21. 2009年11月参加了教授艾杨格瑜伽三十多年至今还在跟随艾杨格学习的也是目前艾杨格体系中最老的老师兼学生75岁的Clé Souren老师在泰国曼谷艾杨格瑜伽学校举办的国际艾杨格精准治疗教师提高经典课程,来自全世界艾杨格体系的老师都参加了这个培训课程,课程中探讨了艾氏体系细节调整的原则方法以及生理解剖同能量之间的内在关联的问题,其中大量的体式和呼吸练习融入了瑜伽经的节律的执行,提升了体式练习的价值和意义。这个经典课程也为今后国内艾杨格瑜伽培训奠定了一个基础。

22. 2009年11月正式出版了第二部瑜伽专业书籍《阿师汤伽串联瑜伽触及二级练习解析》,书中大量的细节描述和生理结构解剖知识的应用,解释了练习中受伤的原因,安全练习的方法,此书也弥补了国内没有“阿师汤伽串联瑜伽”专业书籍的空白。书中详细介绍了初级练习顺序的内在意义方法和教授方法,治疗方法等,其中所讲述的哲理上的感受全部来自李晓钟老师的个人练习,用大量的实践经历来驳斥对于阿师汤加串联瑜伽的误解,而且毫无保留的把自己经历的,学习到的内容全部写入书中。

23. 2009年12月1日,第三届“北京李晓钟瑜伽之光静修中心”学生年终免费培训课程,主题:让身体迟钝僵硬和心的波动在安全的流瑜伽的练习中得到柔韧和抑制——深入探讨艾杨格瑜伽体系生理解剖学和重力学的应用价值。李晓钟老师在身体极度僵硬受伤的情况下练习近10年时间,深深体会到瑜伽的内在的魅力,其中艾杨格大师的精准是其中的技术保障,他深知一个僵硬的练习者是多么需要瑜伽的练习,也积累了大量教授各种人群的经验。身体柔软的舞蹈者并不知道瑜伽练习的真正方法和内涵意义,虽然李晓钟老师还是没有舞蹈者柔韧,但是他深知练习中的安全方法,也深知瑜伽内涵的意义,这些内容是可贵的,经历往往胜过于最终的结果。

24. 截止到2010年11月,已经有3000多名学生经过李晓钟老师的亲自培训,并且回到全国各地开设瑜伽会馆教授和练习安全的艾杨格瑜伽和阿师汤伽瑜伽等体系,也提高了当地的瑜伽安全教学的水平。



參加Tripsichore 瑜珈研習的老師8/6-10/6早上的課程改為9:30造成不便請原諒。nina

課 程 內 容
9:00 – 9:30 呼吸控制法(坐姿勝利呼吸法-各體式停留階段)
9:30 – 11:00 三維秘舞瑜伽有後彎的拜日式
11:10 – 12:30 後彎呼吸練習
1:30 – 3:00 前彎類體式呼吸練習
3:10 – 4:30頭倒立類體式
9:00 – 9:30呼吸控制法(運用勝利呼吸法移動手臂)
9:30 – 11:00三維秘舞瑜伽有倒立的拜日式
11:10 – 12:30倒立呼吸練習
1:30 – 3:00 倒立類體式呼吸練習(Crow, Side Crow, Forearm Balances)
3:10 – 4:30 坐姿類體式呼吸練習(Janusirsasana, Paschimottanasana, Konasana etc.)
9:00 – 9:30呼吸控制法(運用勝利呼吸法倒立)
9:30 – 11:00三維秘舞瑜伽高級拜日式(Khulta, Deko, Khonundrum, Khogolexus)
11:10 – 12:30 後彎類變化動作
1:30 – 3:00 扭轉類體式呼吸練習(Marichiasana, Matysendrasana, etc.)
3:10 – 4:30 仰臥類體式呼吸練習
9:00 – 9:30 聖光呼吸法練習
9:30 – 11:00三維秘舞瑜伽加有站姿及髖關節伸展的拜日式
11:10 – 12:30 站姿類體式呼吸練習
1:30 – 3:00 半月式和後彎類呼吸練習 (對照體位法和Khonundrum)
3:10 – 4:30 手倒立
9:00 – 9:30 住氣法練習
9:30 – 11:00三維秘舞瑜伽高級拜日式(Supreme)
11:10 – 12:30 倒立類動作(Double Khultra legs and Supreme)
1:30 – 3:00 拜日式及其變化復習
3:10 – 4:30 坐姿類體式復習

June 8
9:00 – 9:30 Pranayama (Ujjayi in seated postures – sustained periods in one posture)
9:30 – 11:00 Tripsichore Class Sun Salutes leading to Back Bends
11:10 – 12:30 Working Back Bends with the breath
1:30 – 3:00 Breath and assists in Forward Bends (Uttanasana, Padottanasana etc)
3:10 – 4:30 Headstands

June 9
9:00 – 9:30 Pranayama (Using Ujjayi to move the arms)
9:30 – 11:00 Tripsichore Class Sun Salutes leading to Inversions
11:10 – 12:30 Working with breath in Inversions
1:30 – 3:00 Breath in Hand Balances (Crow, Side Crow, Forearm Balances)
3:10 – 4:30 Breath in Seated Postures (Janusirsasana, Paschimottanasana, Konasana etc.)

June 10
9:00 – 9:30 Pranayama (Ujjayi in Inversions)
9:30 – 11:00 Tripsichore Class Advanced Sun Salutes (Khulta, Deko, Khonundrum, Khogolexus)
11:10 – 12:30 Movement through Back Bends
1:30 – 3:00 Breath in Twists (Marichiasana, Matysendrasana, etc.)
3:10 – 4:30 Breath in Supine postures

June 11
9:00 – 9:30 Pranayama -- Kappalabhati
9:30 – 11:00 Tripsichore Class Sun Salutes leading to standing postures and hip stretches
11:10 – 12:30 Breathing in Standing Postures
1:30 – 3:00 Breath in Crescent Moon and Back Bends (contrasts between asana and Khonundrum)
3:10 – 4:30 Handstands

June 12
9:00 – 9:30 Pranayama Breath Retentions
9:30 – 11:00 Tripsichore Class Advanced Sun Salutes (Supreme)
11:10 – 12:30 Movement in Inversions (Double Khultra legs and Supreme)
1:30 – 3:00 Review of Sun Salutes
3:10 – 4:30 Review of Seated Postures

課 程 費 用


Address :台南市虎尾里活動中心(富農街一段188巷10弄7號 )
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提早報名優惠價格- 請於2011年5月25日前完成報名
退款/取消課程 - 請於2011年5月26日後辦理取消課程者,恕不退還任何費用
郵局代號700 帳號0031-0710-803-647 賴麗娜
(Payment before25st may 2011)or contact Nina : 0933-349-288
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○ 全場均中文翻譯

Edward Clark began studying yoga in 1979. He fuses his keen artistic vision with a deep understanding of the essential pursuit of yoga practice. With one foot in dance, one foot in Ashtanga and Sivananda he has synthesized the use of breath, asana, choreography and philosophy. His teachings are entertaining, demanding & exhilarating, and he will be assisted by
三維秘舞瑜伽劇團,已被世人譽為串聯瑜伽(vinyasa yoga)界最創意的實踐者之一。十三多年來一直低調隱居在英國倫敦、天天辛勤練習,精煉了瑜珈體位法、呼吸法、感官回攝、集中、與三摩地等各樣技術;然後將所編之肢體創作作品,再旅遊各地去公演發表。直到現在,他們的獨特技巧,只被教導於極少數的有緣者。
愛德華克拉克於 1978年開始學習瑜伽。值得注意的是他主要師事於悉瓦南達(Swami Shivananda)傳承的Narayani and Giris Rabinovitch兩位老師;除此之外,他還兼容並蓄了八支串聯,悉瓦南達,艾揚格和唯你瑜伽等派別精華。
愛德華也在倫敦著名的韋伯道格拉斯戲劇藝術學院肢體動作和舞蹈系,擔任20年的系主任。 愛德華說,“串聯這個概念,就瑜伽哲學而言,既可以說是非常古老、亦可説是全新的。不管怎麼講,串聯動作對這一代瑜伽的愛好者,不啻是個很大的貢獻。大多數瑜珈旨在修身心具寂;從表面上看,串聯動作似乎是與之矛盾的。然而,在適度精神集中和身體技巧下、縱使進行所謂連續流轉的動作,卻也能讓人心安住和澄明。此時已臻動靜一如之境,不論靜態體式或動態串聯都可當下寂靜。串聯瑜伽在歷史上的地位雖無法確定,但就已蔚為當今世界性的風潮來看,這大概可以說,它的重要性還是要看人們如何運用它在傳統之外的地方。“
串聯在三維秘舞瑜伽定義是:均勻節奏的動作流轉、呼吸和心靈,所產生平穩、無妄念的存在狀態。這些技巧讓人在受、想、行、識各方面,帶來澄明和安住。 這是三維秘舞串聯瑜伽,在課堂和舞台上努力要做到的理想。
你可以閱讀更多關於愛德華和他的瑜伽 http://www.tripsichore.com/

Tripsichore Simple Yoga Practice with Edward Clark

Trailer for Tripsichore Yoga with Edward Clark