Prathap & Niseema 於2009年台灣成立涅槃瑜珈並以涅槃瑜珈的精神及工作坊形式,在台灣、印度、越南分享瑜伽修行及阿育吠陀養生智慧。
⋯⋯Nirvana 涅槃在梵⽂文的意思是終極的解脫⾃自在,我執的消融。
涅槃瑜珈的教學精神以傳統瑜伽經及古⽼老阿育吠陀智慧為依歸,並融⼊入當代開悟靈性⼤大師,例如 Ramana Maharshi, Osho, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle 的教導。
由於Prathap老師來自南印度,NIseema 老師來自現代台灣,因此涅槃瑜珈有著濃濃的古老印度瑜珈的風味並融合現代風格的教學模式。
【Nirvana yoga】
09:00~12:00 14:00~17:00
郵局代號-700 帳號-0031 0710 803 647 戶名-賴麗娜
*Nina : 0933-349-288
: 0937-341-818
根據阿育吠陀的理論,我們每個⼈天生就是由獨一無二的三⼤生命能量構成的,風型(Vata) 、火型( Pitta ) 和土型 ( Kapha ),這三種能量決定了我們的身體以及精神結構,比方說我們是肥胖還是消瘦,我們是容易相處還是容易暴躁。它們同樣決定了我們在防治疾病時需要哪種飲食、哪ㄧ種瑜珈形式的鍛煉以及治療方法。那些風型占主導地位的人,往往身材比較單薄,思維敏捷,而且容易不斷地變化。當處於平衡狀態的時候,瓦塔者是活潑、有創意的人。但是,當他們處於不平衡狀態的時候,就變得很容易出現焦慮、失眠和消化不良等狀況。
1. 五大元素瑜珈 Five elements yoga
2. 了解自己的體質 / 阿育吠陀瑜伽飲⻝觀 / 三大能量在四季及在ㄧ天當中的影響 Three doshas
3. 土能平衡瑜珈 Kapha Blance yoga
4. 風能平衡瑜珈 Vata Balance yoga ---Five vayus
5. 火能平衡瑜珈 Pitta Balance yoga
6. 瑜珈梵唱與哲學 Bhakti Yoga
【Prathap 老師】
*Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (AUM Yoga
Therapy Trust , India )
*Niguma Yoga Teacher Training with Geshe
Michael Roach
*Level-1 (Beginner) Yoga Teacher Training
(200 Hrs American Yoga Alliance )
*Level-2 (Advanced) Yoga Teacher Training
(300 Hrs American Yoga Alliance )
*500 Hrs Master Level Teacher Training (YAI
India )
【Niseema 老師】
*2008 Pure Yoga 200hrs American Yoga
Alliance T/T with teacher Patrick Gleeman (ERYT)
*2008 Space Yoga 6 days Purna Yoga T/T with
Master Aadil Palkhivala
*2009 Space Yoga 40 hrs American Yoga Alliance Level 2 T/T with
Steven Thomas
*2010 Pure Yoga 30hrs Workshop for yoga
teachers with Patrick Gleeman.
*2012 Space Yoga 5 days intensive yoga
therapy workshop with Doug Keller.
*2013 Ayurveda workshop in Cooner Ayurveda
I am from a very small town Arruppukkottai, Southern India. Yoga and I met when I was fourteen. A Professor named Sundaralingam, who was living next to my house, was my first Asana teacher. Seeing his grace and peace while he was doing shoulder stand and head stand, I fell in love in yoga. Like everyone else, the incredible physical potential brought from asana was the first motivation for me to learn yoga. This first yoga teacher, Mr. Sundaralingam, opened the door of yoga for me. 我來自印度南方的小鎮Arruppukkottai。我在十四歲那年和瑜珈結緣,一名叫做Sundaralingam的老師,也剛好是我的鄰居,成為我第一個體位法老師。目睹老師肩立式和頭倒立式的那股優雅和平靜,使我愛上了瑜珈。跟大多數的人一樣,練習體位法以挖掘人體潛能是我學習瑜珈的第一股動力。我的第一位老師,Sundaralingam先生為我開啟了瑜珈之門。
The second gurus were Alumuthu and Arunagiri I met in a 'Yoga ashram'-"Thiruvalluver Yoga and Naturopathy Centre" in my home town. 第二時期是我在家鄉的瑜珈靜修處(yoga ashram),Thiruvalluver Yoga and Naturopathy Centre的老師,Alumuthu先生和Arunagiri先生。
During the time of being a diligent student in this ashram, I realized that asana was only the small step on the path of yoga. It was my first time to learn about yoga philosophy in the ashram. If asana learning is like a yoga seed, the nutrition of yoga philosophy started to make me blossom and enjoyed the juicy fruit in the yoga path. By the time I left the ashram after being 8 years with my Gurus, I came to realize yoga was not just a system of a physical practice, it was a way of living. 在靜修處我十分努力的學習,那時我開始明白「體位法」僅是瑜珈旅程中的一小步。在靜修處我第一次學習了瑜珈哲學的課程。如果我把體位法比喻成種子,則瑜珈哲學就像是滋養種子的養分,使我開始茁壯開花,享受瑜珈練習能所帶給人們的豐盛果實。之後,離開了待了八年的靜修處,我明白了瑜珈不僅是一套鍛練身體的系統,更是一種生活的方式。
The essence of my Gurus' teachings focus on penetrating our awareness in three dimensions (physical body, mental body and spiritual body.) And this teaching guided the direction and affected the way of my yoga teaching later on. Most of all, this yoga guru introduced me another enlightened guru, Osho. Since then, Osho's teaching has been accompanying me whenever I am in the thirst of truth . 我的老師的教誨,著重在洞悉身心靈三個層面的自我觀照。而這套哲學對於我日後的教學有很大的影響。最重要的是,我的老師帶領我認識另一位大師,奧修。從此,奧修的教導一路伴隨在我追尋真理的道路上。
My guru once said if you want to master one thing, you had better become the teacher of it. And that's how I become my guru's assistant when he was teaching yoga. Being an assistant here for a few years here laid a foundation of the career in teaching yoga . 我的老師曾說,想要專精某項科目,那麼教授該科目即是最好的方法。也就是這樣,我開始成為老師的助教。在擔任助教的幾年歲月中,為我奠定了日後瑜珈教學的基石。
After I left the ashram, with the strong longing of sharing my guru's love and my own yoga practice. In 2002, I started my own yoga school "Elysium school of yoga " in Coimbatore, south of India. In 2005, I was chosen to be yoga instructor in Yoga Plus in Hong Kong, and started my new life teaching abroad. This new experience has broadened my teaching styles with all different students all over the world. 離開靜修處後,帶著強烈渴望與大家分享我老師的慈愛以及瑜珈,在2002年印度南方的Coimbatore,我開始了我的瑜珈學校,Elysium school of yoga。2005年香港的Yoga Plus聘請了我,開啟了我海外教學的第一章。這一項新的經驗和來自不同地區的學生,豐富了我的教學方式
In 2009, I started my teaching style named Nirvana yoga in Taiwan, which includes Chanting, Yoga and Ayurveda Philosophy and Asana practice. It aims to help students to grow in three dimensions - physically, mentally and spiritually.
2009年我開始在台灣教導我命名為Nirvana yoga的瑜珈課程,課程包含梵唱、瑜珈哲學和體位法練習。這套教學方法的宗旨在於幫助學生於身心靈三方面都有所成長與收穫。
In 2010, not only teaching in regular yoga centers, I also started to travel around the island of Taiwan and other Asian countries in teaching workshops. ....................
Presently I am a full time yoga teacher in a studio called Yoga Journey in Taipei (Taiwan) www.yogajourney.com.tw
I am certified and qualified with:
*Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (AUM Yoga Therapy Trust, India)
*Niguma Yoga Teacher Training with Geshe Michael Roach
*Level-1 (Beginner) Yoga Teacher Training (200 Hrs American Yoga Alliance)
*Level-2 (Advanced) Yoga Teacher Training (300 Hrs American Yoga Alliance)
*500 Hrs Master Level Teacher Training (YAI India)
The second gurus were Alumuthu and Arunagiri I met in a 'Yoga ashram'-"Thiruvalluver Yoga and Naturopathy Centre" in my home town. 第二時期是我在家鄉的瑜珈靜修處(yoga ashram),Thiruvalluver Yoga and Naturopathy Centre的老師,Alumuthu先生和Arunagiri先生。
During the time of being a diligent student in this ashram, I realized that asana was only the small step on the path of yoga. It was my first time to learn about yoga philosophy in the ashram. If asana learning is like a yoga seed, the nutrition of yoga philosophy started to make me blossom and enjoyed the juicy fruit in the yoga path. By the time I left the ashram after being 8 years with my Gurus, I came to realize yoga was not just a system of a physical practice, it was a way of living. 在靜修處我十分努力的學習,那時我開始明白「體位法」僅是瑜珈旅程中的一小步。在靜修處我第一次學習了瑜珈哲學的課程。如果我把體位法比喻成種子,則瑜珈哲學就像是滋養種子的養分,使我開始茁壯開花,享受瑜珈練習能所帶給人們的豐盛果實。之後,離開了待了八年的靜修處,我明白了瑜珈不僅是一套鍛練身體的系統,更是一種生活的方式。
The essence of my Gurus' teachings focus on penetrating our awareness in three dimensions (physical body, mental body and spiritual body.) And this teaching guided the direction and affected the way of my yoga teaching later on. Most of all, this yoga guru introduced me another enlightened guru, Osho. Since then, Osho's teaching has been accompanying me whenever I am in the thirst of truth . 我的老師的教誨,著重在洞悉身心靈三個層面的自我觀照。而這套哲學對於我日後的教學有很大的影響。最重要的是,我的老師帶領我認識另一位大師,奧修。從此,奧修的教導一路伴隨在我追尋真理的道路上。
My guru once said if you want to master one thing, you had better become the teacher of it. And that's how I become my guru's assistant when he was teaching yoga. Being an assistant here for a few years here laid a foundation of the career in teaching yoga . 我的老師曾說,想要專精某項科目,那麼教授該科目即是最好的方法。也就是這樣,我開始成為老師的助教。在擔任助教的幾年歲月中,為我奠定了日後瑜珈教學的基石。
After I left the ashram, with the strong longing of sharing my guru's love and my own yoga practice. In 2002, I started my own yoga school "Elysium school of yoga " in Coimbatore, south of India. In 2005, I was chosen to be yoga instructor in Yoga Plus in Hong Kong, and started my new life teaching abroad. This new experience has broadened my teaching styles with all different students all over the world. 離開靜修處後,帶著強烈渴望與大家分享我老師的慈愛以及瑜珈,在2002年印度南方的Coimbatore,我開始了我的瑜珈學校,Elysium school of yoga。2005年香港的Yoga Plus聘請了我,開啟了我海外教學的第一章。這一項新的經驗和來自不同地區的學生,豐富了我的教學方式
In 2009, I started my teaching style named Nirvana yoga in Taiwan, which includes Chanting, Yoga and Ayurveda Philosophy and Asana practice. It aims to help students to grow in three dimensions - physically, mentally and spiritually.
2009年我開始在台灣教導我命名為Nirvana yoga的瑜珈課程,課程包含梵唱、瑜珈哲學和體位法練習。這套教學方法的宗旨在於幫助學生於身心靈三方面都有所成長與收穫。
In 2010, not only teaching in regular yoga centers, I also started to travel around the island of Taiwan and other Asian countries in teaching workshops. ....................
Presently I am a full time yoga teacher in a studio called Yoga Journey in Taipei (Taiwan) www.yogajourney.com.tw
I am certified and qualified with:
*Yoga Therapy Teacher Training (AUM Yoga Therapy Trust, India)
*Niguma Yoga Teacher Training with Geshe Michael Roach
*Level-1 (Beginner) Yoga Teacher Training (200 Hrs American Yoga Alliance)
*Level-2 (Advanced) Yoga Teacher Training (300 Hrs American Yoga Alliance)
*500 Hrs Master Level Teacher Training (YAI India)
自2005年第一堂瑜伽課開始 瑜珈就逐漸改變轉化我的生命,
它不僅改善了我的身體健康 ,
而且帶領我走入認識生命本質的靈性旅途 。
2008-Pure Yoga 200 Hrs American Yoga Alliance T/T -by Teacher Patrick Gleeman
2008-Space Yoga 6 days Purna Yoga T/T-by Master Aadil Palkhivala
2009-Space Yoga 40 Hrs American Yoga Alliance Level 2 T/ T-by Steven Thomas.
2009-Anusara Immersion 5 days in Thailand
2010-Pure Yoga 30hrs Workshop for yoga teachers-by Patrick Gleeman.
2012-Space yoga 5 days intensive yoga therapy workshop-by Doug Keller
True yoga , Yoga Journey , Private Yoga Workshop
並且觀照當下的呼吸 進而達到身心寧靜合ㄧ
2009 臼井靈氣第一級
2009 從心諮商 心靈療癒師訓練 by Rahasha
2010 印度奧修社區 學習各種靜心課程
2010 印度合ㄧ大學 Deeksha Giver
2011 修習光的課程
2012 印度合一大學 覺醒深化課程
2013 印度短期艾育吠陀研習
自2005年第一堂瑜伽課開始 瑜珈就逐漸改變轉化我的生命,
它不僅改善了我的身體健康 ,
而且帶領我走入認識生命本質的靈性旅途 。
2008-Pure Yoga 200 Hrs American Yoga Alliance T/T -by Teacher Patrick Gleeman
2008-Space Yoga 6 days Purna Yoga T/T-by Master Aadil Palkhivala
2009-Space Yoga 40 Hrs American Yoga Alliance Level 2 T/ T-by Steven Thomas.
2009-Anusara Immersion 5 days in Thailand
2010-Pure Yoga 30hrs Workshop for yoga teachers-by Patrick Gleeman.
2012-Space yoga 5 days intensive yoga therapy workshop-by Doug Keller
True yoga , Yoga Journey , Private Yoga Workshop
並且觀照當下的呼吸 進而達到身心寧靜合ㄧ
2009 臼井靈氣第一級
2009 從心諮商 心靈療癒師訓練 by Rahasha
2010 印度奧修社區 學習各種靜心課程
2010 印度合ㄧ大學 Deeksha Giver
2011 修習光的課程
2012 印度合一大學 覺醒深化課程
2013 印度短期艾育吠陀研習