

The roots of the living tradition of Ashtanga Yoga
The tradition of Ashtanga Yoga is a living one.
It goes back from Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sri Tirumali Krishnamacharya, to Patanjali and Vamana Rishi.
從Sri K. Pattabhi Jois大師開始回溯到Sri Tirumali Krishnamacharya到Patanjali及Vamana Rishi
At its source you will find Lord Vishnu.
The way Sri K. Pattabhi Jois teaches Ashtanga Yoga today is exactly the way he learned it from his guru Krishnamacharya.
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 現今傳授的八支瑜伽系統和其從Krishnamacharya大師所學的瑜珈系統是相同的
Pattabhi Jois met Krishnamacharya in 1927, studied with him for over 25 years and learned Ashtanga Yoga during this time.
Pattabhi Jois在1927遇Krishnamacharya大師和他學習八支瑜伽超過25年
(reported from Pattabhi Jois, February 2004 摘錄自2004/02 Pattabhi Jois)

Pattabhi Jois wrote a small book, called "Yoga Mala" (Mala = garland), about Ashtanga Yoga from 1958 to 1960.
Pattabhi Jois寫一本小書,書名為"瑜珈精選",是寫從1958-1960間的八支瑜伽
It was published in India in 1962, by one of his students, a coffee planter from Coorg.
The first English translation was published in 1999 by Eddie Stern, an senior student of Pattabhi Jois, in the United States.
第一份的英譯本在1999年由Eddie Stern出版,Eddie Stern是Pattabhi Jois的資深學生美國人
It is still available.
This book was finished long before the first western student (the Belgian Andre van Lysbeth) came to Pattabhi Jois in 1964.
這本書在很久以前就完成,由比利時人Andre van Lysbeth,他在1964年成為Pattabhi Jois第一位西方的學生
So the book contains a very pure and authentic Ashtaga Yoga.
(Yoga Mala瑜珈精選)

If you follow the Ashtanga Yoga tradition one step further back from Pattabhi Jois, you come to Sri Tirumali Krishnamacharya.
若您從Pattabhi Jois更深的追尋八支瑜伽的傳統,其結果是Sri Tirumali Krishnamacharya
This great sage and yogi travelled to the Himalayas around 1916 to learn Yoga.
There he met his guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari, and spent seven and a half years living with him, learning the Ashtanga Yoga system.
他遇到Rama Mohan Brahmachari大師,學習八支瑜伽系統7年半
In that time he learned (beyond some other scriptures) the "Yoga Karunta" by heart.
在那段時間他學習且記住一本超越其他經典的書-Yoga Karunta
This ancient manuscript is the basis on which the Asana -, Vinyasa - and Bhanda - System of Ashtanga Yoga is founded.
He also learned the Yoga Sutra, which ise the spiritual and philosophical foundation of Ashtanga Yoga.
(reported from Pattabhi Jois, February 2004 摘錄自2004/02 Pattabhi Jois)

After Krishnamacharya left his guru around 1924, he began searching for the Yoga Karunta.
1924年Krishnamacharya離開他的大師,他開始尋找Yoga Karunta這本經典
After a great deal of effort he finally tracked down a copy at the Calcutta University library.
Unfortunately, soon after he found it, the book got badly damaged by ants and Krishnamarchaya wasn't able to preserve it.
So it may be impossible to verify its authenticity.
"Karunta" means "groups" and it is said that its text contained the exact groupings of Asana.
"Karunta" 的意思是'集合"亦即此書是體位法的精選集
Everything about Vinyasa, Bhanda, Drishti, Asana and the whole six sequences as they are taught up to now was contained within this manuscript.
一直延續至今的教學體系均在此抄本,其內容包含串聯動作,能量收束法,凝視點 體位法和整個6級系列
The "Yoga Karunta" thus forms the foundation of the practical part of Ashtanga Yoga.
"Yoga Karunta" 是形成八支瑜伽實際修練部分的基礎
(reported from Pattabhi Jois, February 2004 摘錄自2004/02 Pattabhi Jois)

The "Yoga Karunta" is attributed to the sage Vamana Rishi.
Vamana Rishi聖哲寫下"Yoga Karunta" 經典
He is said to have come to earth when Ashtanga Yoga was forgotten, and a sage was needed to bring it back to mankind.
Vamana Rishi incarnated for this task and learned the whole Ashtanga Yoga system from lord Vishnu while in the womb of his mother.
Vamana Rishi為了其學習源自於毗濕奴神的八支瑜伽系統任務,投胎在其母親的子宮內化身為人
After the normal time of pregnancy was over, Vamana was still not finished with his learning.
According to legend, he refused to be born until he had finished his studies of Ashtanga Yoga.
(reported from Pattabhi Jois, February 2004 摘錄自2004/02 Pattabhi Jois)

The "Yoga Sutras" are not hard to find.
They are available in many translations and commentaries.
According to Western research the "Yoga Sutras" were written between 400 and 200 B.C..
Hindu mythology dates them much earlier, about 10 000 B.C..
The "Yoga Sutra" is the primary text of the science of classical yoga, in which the author, Patanjali, collated and systematized the existing techniques and knowledge of Yoga.
The Yoga Sutras definie Yoga as: "yogash citta-vrtti-nirodha", which means: "Yoga is calmness of waves in the mind."
瑜珈經定義瑜珈為: "yogash citta-vrtti-nirodha", 其意思為"瑜珈是靜心"
Only with a calm mind can the true nature of being be experienced.
To achieve this aim, the path described in the Yoga Sutras is made up at eight limbs:
Yama (moral observance) 道德誡律
Niyama (inner integrity) 精進
Asana (postures) 體位法
Pranayama (breath control) 呼吸控制法
Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal) 攝心
Dharana (concentration) 凝神
Dhyana (meditation) 入定
Samadhi (contemplation) 三摩地
This eight limb way to a calm mind gave Ashtanga Yoga its name.
八支瑜伽的命名來自此平靜心靈的八支方法(Ashta = Eight八; Anga = limb分支; Yoga = Calmness of waves in the mind靜心)
(Yoga Sutras瑜珈經)

Patanjali, the author of the "Yoga Sutras" is said to have been incarnation of Adisesa, the serpent protecting Lord Vishnu.
Lord Vishnu sleeps on him in the ocean of being.
Patanjali was born to a woman named Gonica, a very sinecures yogini.
As she was offering her prayer to the Sun God Surya, a small snake appeared in her hands and took human form.
It asked Gonica to accept Patanjali as her son.
祂要求Gonica接受Patanjali 當她的兒子
She followed its wish and named him Patanjali, a discription of the way he was born; "fallen prayer"
(Pata = fallen降下; anjali = prayer祈禱者).
(a quite common Hindu tale摘錄自印度神話故事)

But the roots of the Vinyasa System of Ashtanga Yoga can be found much earlier.
They reach back to the first written documents of mankind - the Vedas.
研究發現在吠陀 第一本被人類寫成的經典內已有記載
There are four Vedas: The Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvanaveda.
有四種吠陀 :梨俱吠陀,夜柔吠陀,沙磨吠陀及阿闥婆吠陀
Two contain hints about the Asthanga Vinyasa Yoga practice and to the Vinyasa system.
The first to be written was the Rigveda, which is believed to date back to 8000 BC.
Yajurveda came a bit later, but is still a very ancient text.
In both you can find explanations of moving and breathing, especially in Suryanamaskara.
The physical and spiritual benefits are also detailed.
In Yajurveda there is a mantra called Aruna Mantra, which puts the Vinyasa Count for Suryanamaskara A at nine.
在Yajurveda有一Aruna 祈禱梵咒將拜日式 A 的串聯動作數定為九
In the Maha Saura Mantra of Rigveda the Vinyasa count of Suryanamskara B is numbered through to seventeen - just as it is now.
在Rigveda的Maha Saura 祈禱梵咒將現今的拜日式 B 的串聯動作數定為十七
(reported from Pattabhi Jois, February 2004摘錄自2004/02 Pattabhi Jois)
2.Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 所寫的"Yoga Mala瑜珈精選"書,可從Amazon網路書局購得
