

The way Ashtanga Yoga took hold in the western world

Andre van Lysbeth, Norman Allen, David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff are just some of the people who have helped introduce Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga to the West.
在一些人如:Andre van Lysbeth, Norman Allen, David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff 的幫助及介紹下,八支串聯瑜伽推廣到西方世界
In 1964 Andre van Lysbeth, a Belgian, found his way to Pattabhi Jois' small Yoga Shala in Mysore.
在1964年比利時人Andre van Lysbeth在Mysore發現Pattabhi Jois' 小的Yoga Shala
Already quite into Yoga and knowing Sanskrit very well, van Lysbeth became interested in this ancient system, and spent two months to studying the primary and intermediate series with Pattabhi Jois.
他早已進入瑜珈修練領域且梵文佳,van Lysbeth對此古老瑜珈系統有興趣,就花了2個月的時間和Pattabhi Jois學習第一級及第二級
Among the many books he wrote in later years, there was one called "Pranayama", which he wrote just after his time with Jois and which included a photo of the guru along with his name and address.
過幾年他寫許多書,有一本"呼吸控制法"的書,因他剛完成與 Jois 的課程,故書中包含了大師的相片且註明其姓名與住址
Thus the name Pattabhi Jois slowly spread in the western world, but mostly in Europe.
因此Pattabhi Jois 的名字慢慢的在西方世界傳開,其中大部分是在歐洲
Many of the first people that travelled to India to meet Jois came from there.
從此已開始有許多人旅行至印度去與Jois 學習瑜珈
The first American to study with Pattabhi Jois was Norman Allen in 1973.
在1973年第一位美國人Norman Allen 與Pattabhi Jois 學習瑜珈
He had been watching a Yoga demonstration given by Manju Jois, Pattabhi's son, at Swami Gitananda's Ashram in Pondicherry.
他在Pondicherry的Swami Gitananda's Ashram 看過Pattabhi的兒子Manju Jois的瑜珈示範
Impressed by this demonstration, he set out to study the system.
A little later David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff arrived at the small Yoga-Shala in Mysore.
過不久David Williams 和 Nancy Gilgoff 也抵達Mysore的小Yoga-Shala
In 1975, they invited Pattabhi Jois to give a workshop in California, USA.
在1975年他們邀請Pattabhi Jois 到美國加州舉辦研習營
Only about ten or fiteen people were at that first workshop, a far cry from the hundreds that attend his workshops today.
On that trip Manju Jois who had joined his father in America, decided to stay to teach the traditional technique of Ashtanga Yoga there.
在此段行程Manju Jois 和他的父親一起到美國,他決定繼續留在美國教傳統的八支瑜伽
As time went by and Ashtanga Yoga became more known in the west, Pattabhi Jois was invited for workshops not only to the USA but also to Brazil, England and many other countries.
隨著時光八支瑜伽在西方世界變的越來越有名,Pattabhi Jois 被邀請至美國也到巴西,英國及其他國家
Nowadays Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga has grown to become one of the worlds most known Yoga systems.
You can find Ashtanga Yoga classes all around the world.
Stars like Madonna and Sting say that they to follow this ancient practice, something which has increased the popularity of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga even more.
NOTE: 1.本段譯自http://ashtangayoga.info/ashtanga-yoga/ashtanga-goes-west.html
