
台灣&泰國Ashtanga Yoga 200小時美國瑜珈聯盟認證師資培訓課程

邁向永恆的瑜珈之旅 - 深耕一生的學習
Centered Yoga Institute, ThailandAn International Renowned
200 + hour Teacher Training Program
An Education in Yoga
Dates日期:Session I第一階段 :2009,9, 5 –16
Session II第二階段:2009, 12,5–14
Session III第三階段:2010,1. 7 –16

Location地點:SPACE An-Ho(SPACE安和館)
Teachers指導老師:Paul Dallaghan & Neil Barker
Assistant/Translator助理講師兼中譯 : Megan Ni
Guest Teacher 客座講師: Gladys Huang
Maximum Enrollment名額限制 : 36 students
若 您欲瞭解詳細內容,請email到teachertraining@withinspace.com,並留下姓名、聯絡電話,我們將優先聯絡並隨時提供您 最新完整訊息。
For more information please contact our representatives or e-mail:teachertraining@withinspace.com

這是泰國Centered Yoga深具國際知名度的訓練課程,在全球已成功舉辦十年,擁有來自世界各地,超過一千名的學員完成這項訓練,有為數甚多的學員目前擁有自己的瑜珈教室,也有人成為非常知名的瑜珈老師,例如SPACE的Stephen及Gladys老師。
This is Centered Yoga's internationally renowned program that has been running successfully worldwide now for the past ten years. There is close to 1000 graduates from all parts of the world, many of whom now have successful studios or have become established teachers in their own right. Good examples are Stephen and Gladys at SPACE.

一個瑜珈師資訓 練到底應該為期多長?一直是廣受爭議的問題。事實上,這項訓練必須花上您一生的時間來進行。唯有這樣專注獻身在瑜珈的學習,才能將一個人的練習與教學提升 到更高境界,這也是我們這項訓練課程的目的。我們提供真心學習的學員一個平台及工具,讓學員可以在練習這條路上走的更遠。我們不主張「生產」瑜珈老師,我 們傾向幫助帶領您踏上「尋訪未知潛力」的旅程。我們這”五個月”的訓練課程,有足夠的時間,將瑜珈內化為您一生的學習。有些師資訓練課程太短,不足以幫助 一個學員,也有些短期師資培訓課程,讓學員在幾年之內,都必須反覆回來繼續上課。但在這五個月的課程中,我們鼓勵您「發現什麼是適合自己的」,您也會對此 有所成長。
A common point of controversy is how long should a "training" be. In truth it is lifelong pursue; however, there will be times of focused and dedicated study to help take one's practice and teaching to a much higher level. This is the purpose of this course - to provide the sincere students with a platform and the tools to understand and to go further in practice. We do not claim to "produce" teachers but rather to help bring out that hidden potential and start you on your teaching journey. We have found this 5-month period to work very well at this level. Some courses may not be long enough for a student to absorb the material, while others drag on over a few years and can almost hold the student back. After this ‘’5-month’’ period we encourage you to continue growing further in what is appropriate to you. There will also be pre-course assignments which aim to elevate your practice and understanding of yoga. These assignments are emailed every few weeks and require the student to do certain readings, practices and reports.

Who is Paul Dallaghan?
長期在印度深入瑜珈的學習與 練習,他是Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 與Sharath的嫡傳弟子,已是印度Ashtanga瑜珈協會認證Certified老師之一,目前只有三十餘位有此殊榮。Paul另向 Kaivalyadham系統的Sri O.P. Tiwari學習體位法之外的瑜珈哲學。這兩位老師都將他們畢生奉獻給傳播瑜珈以及正確的教學與練習方法。Paul參訪過許多聖地並長時間靜坐,當機會來 臨時也拜訪一些有智慧的瑜珈行者。
Paul is a senior level teacher with international recognition. He is one of three senior students of Tiwariji in Pranayama and one of the few in the world certified by Pattabhi Jois in Ashtanga vinyasa. This places him in a unique position to teach at this level, teach both practical and the philosophical asepects behind it all. Mostly though, he loves to share the teaching with passion and joy.
Neil Barker
是 印度Ashtanga瑜珈協會授權Authorized老師之一及資深的太極練習者,也是合格的徒手脊椎調整與復健師,並擁有針灸與推拿專業認證。 Neil有長期教導按摩師及運動傷害治療師解剖學的經驗,對生理學及解剖結構方面有深入研究,加上又有多年瑜珈練習經驗,因此能深入淺出的教授相關知識。
Neil Barker
Neil is trained in chiropractic and Chinese medicine as well as an advanced student of Tiwariji in Pranayama and authorized by Pattabhi Jois in the Ashtanga method. His knowledge of anatomy and yoga practices brings a unique level to these subjects. Always fun and highly interesting.
For more info about teachers :www.yoga-thailand.com


