
Dharma Mittra的介紹

Dharma Mittra, 66, who in the yoga world is known at "the rock of Yoga" doing hands free head stand pose at Meditation Mount, as Nathan Davis , 5, of Ojai watches.
Dharma Mittra 66歲時(拍攝相片時)在加州Ojai的Meditation Mount處,旁有5歲的小朋友Nathan Davis 合照,他"做單點頭頂倒立式"體位法,以"石上瑜珈"成名於世

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  • 小傳(轉譯自http://www.pranamaya.com/what_mittra.html)
  • Sri Dharma Mittra has spent most of his life in service to humanity, disseminating ancient knowledge for achieving radiant health and spiritual development.
    Dharma Mittra尊者將其醫生貢獻於服務人群,傳播古老的智慧實現洋溢著幸福的健康及精神上的精進

    He was born in the late 1930's, and excelled from an early age at wrestling and weight lifting.

    After spending 7 years in the Air Force, Dharma began studying Yoga in 1958.
  • Swami Kailashananda 尊者

    He met his teacher Sri Swami Kailashananda in 1964, and after immersing himself in intense study and practice of the eight limbs of Yoga—especially Karma Yoga—Dharma was initiated as a sannyasi, one who renounces the material world while seeking God.
    1964年他遇到他的上師Swami Kailashananda 尊者,開始潛心熱切的學習和練習八支瑜珈-尤其是業瑜珈(以修善業而得梵我合一)他讓自己成為一位印度的托缽僧-一位放棄物質世界追尋神的修行者

    Beginning in 1967, Dharma taught Yoga for 8 years at his guru's ashram and was celebrated for his skill and mastery.
    1967年起 Dharma已因其熟練及精通瑜珈 技巧馳名,且開始在其上師修行處教瑜珈持續8年

    In 1975 he left the ashram and founded the Yoga Asana Center, known today as the Dharma Yoga Center.

    In 1984 Dharma completed the Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures, as an offering to his Guru, and for all Yoga aspirants.

    This original masterpiece was meticulously assembled from over 1,350 self-photographed postures and hand-assembled by Dharma himself.

    The poster hangs in many prestigious yoga schools and ashrams worldwide.

    He is the author of the book Asanas: 608 Yoga Poses published by New World Library, is featured in American Yoga and is the inspiration for Yoga Journal's book Yoga.
    他也是"瑜珈608式體位法"的作者,由新世界圖書館出版,美國瑜珈界以此書作為號召象徵且鼓舞Yoga Journal's雜誌出版書的靈感

    Dharma was one of the first independent Yoga teachers in the United States, initiating tens of thousands on the path of Yoga before styles of Yoga became popular.

    He has remained truthful to the original classical practice, and is loved by students from all walks of Yoga for his humility, humor, joy and kindness in teaching.

    Dharma has been offering daily classes in New York since he started in 1967, and to this day makes himself available regularly to anyone in need of help and direction.

    Dharma Mittra conducts Maha Sadhana and Yogi Treasures for a Shortcut to Immortality workshops worldwide as well as ongoing, in-depth Life of a Yogi teacher training programs at the Dharma Yoga Center.
    Dharma Mittra在其Dharma 瑜珈中心,引導 Maha Sadhana 及Yogi Treasures 不間斷的舉行短期至長期的研習營給予瑜珈老師深入生命的瑜珈修練者訓練課程
    For more information on Sri Dharma Mittra and his work, visit www.dharmayogacenter.com

  • DVD出版

    Now available:

    Maha Sadhana - Level 1

    In this 4-hour DVD, Dharma presents level I of his remarkable teachings—an approach to yoga respecting the great foundations of this ancient practice: asana, pranayama, meditation, ethical rules and spiritual discourse. The discussion topics, asana practices and other exercises are designed to be accessible to any able-bodied student, even beginners. Includes a special, 18-minute film about Dharma's life featuring the music of Krishna Das.

    PurchaseLearn more

    Maha Sadhana - Level II

    Maha Sadhana Level II is the second DVD in this exciting new series. The structure is similar to Maha Sadhana Level I, but the practices, exercises and philosphy discussions are all completely unique. Level II covers more advanced topics and offers asana practices that are suitable for more experienced students. Includes a special 21-minute kirtan performance by Dharma himself, plus the story of the famous poster.

    Learn more


Dharma Mittra(达摩.弥陀)的《ASANAS 608 Yoga Poses》是闻风最早买的一本体式图谱书籍,从中学到了很多东西。 尤其读到他为了给自己的体式照相留影,用嘴含着快门球(那种早期的尼康相机)自己给自己照时,深为他的精神感动。 他是将自己的体式图籍作为向导师致敬的礼物而制作的。 他也谈到了当初的一些印度瑜伽师到了西方以后的变化。 出版本书的时候很多过去的照片底片已经无法再用,他在过了将近20年之后,从新拍摄。 虽然今非昔比,他的体式和原先没有多少区别。 据考察,他的体式有很多是自己所创,按他的说法,是一种自然而然流动出来的身体姿态,这也是只有在对身心有深刻理解了之后产生的对“人的神性”的不同表达和膜拜方式。 能放下时证菩提 无挂碍处得受记------------------------------- 闻风瑜伽教学和感悟blog http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1266249227
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