
Feet First 捷“足”先登

撰文:Julie Gudmestad 翻譯:于英俊 插圖:Bonnie Hofkin、

· 初學瑜伽的人,當你做像山式這樣的站立體式,或者像三角伸展式和戰士二式這樣的體式時,你的練習很可能就是從腳開始的,因為腳是這些體式的根基。腳和小腿經年得不到充分的鍛煉,便會失去力量和調節能力。隨著你在上面這些體式中的逐漸進步,這些力量和調節能力能夠得到恢復。但遺憾的是,很多學生在轉向其他體式時,就又把他們的腳忘掉了。

一、向腳底彎曲(Plantar Flexion):站立時,腳跟提起,腳趾尖點地;坐著時,兩腿前伸,繃腳尖指向前。
二、向腳背彎曲(Dorsi Flexion):站立時,腳掌抬離地面,站在腳跟上;坐著時,把腳跟推離你,把腳趾拉向你。

· 進入中立位置
· Step2

· 像半月式和戰士三式這樣的站立體式,在上提腿的過程中也需要類似的動作以避免出現像枯葉的狀態。需要強調的是:不要僅僅指向腳趾或通過腳跟向外壓,而是要用腳的4個點向外壓;此外,為了避免反掌,內腳跟和大腳趾底下的強度可能需要更大些。還要說明的是,在你讓能量沿著腿和腳底向外輸送的過程中,你的脊柱也會自然地伸長,這能幫助打開你體式的中心。

· 一定要有耐心,即使伸展後你並沒有立刻發現腳趾有多大的改變。只要一段時間後,你的腳趾就一定會被喚醒。實際上,如果你有規律地練習這篇文章所提供的所有的指示點,你的腳趾就會鬆開;你的肌肉控制向腳底彎曲、向腳背彎曲、反掌以及內旋的能力都會得到提高,你的腳會成為一個健康的瑜伽體式整體的一部分。


Feet First
If you want your yoga to build strong, stable, balanced legs, it's important to work the feet properlyven when you're not standing on them.
By Julie Gudmestad

If you're like most people who grew up in the West, you were taught at a young age to ignore your feeto just stuff them into shoes and forget about them. As a child, you learned to run, jump, and play with your feet encased in rubber and leather. You probably paid little attention to them unless they hurtfter all, beyond the toddler years, it's definitely not OK to play with your feet in public. So it can be quite a surprise in your first yoga classes when you're asked to take off your shoes and socks and start paying serious attention to your feet. You may discover it's not so easy to do the seemingly simple actions your teacher suggests, like balancing your weight evenly on the inner and outer edges of your foot or lifting your arches. And how in the world do you get your toes to spread?
In those first yoga classes, you probably began your work with the feet while you were standing on them. In Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and other standing poses, like Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II), you learned that the feet form the foundation of the pose. And as you progressed in those postures, the muscles of your feet and lower legs may have begun to regain the strength and control they'd lost during all those years of shoe wearing. There's a good chance, however, that as you expanded your repertoire beyond the standing poses, you fell into a habit I often observe in many of my students: forgetting about the feet again.
Find Your Footing When I look at a group of students doing an inversion, with their legs reaching into the sky instead of down into the earth, I frequently see feet that look tired, as though the energy of the pose isn't quite reaching them. When students sit on the floor in forward bends, they tend to let their legs roll out and the soles of their feet turn a bit toward each other. And when a student comes into a one-legged balance like Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) or Virabhadrasana III (Warrior Pose III), too often the foot hangs at the end of the lifted leg like a wilted lettuce leaf.
To learn how to properly activate the feet in these poses (and many others), it helps to understand the four basic foot and ankle movements that are most important in yoga, whether the feet are bearing weight or not. You can experience these movements while either sitting or standing, and you may want to practice each one a few times in both positions so you learn to associate the name with the movement. To explain the last two movements simply, I'll use vernacular terms that refer to a combination of actions performed by the foot and ankle.
PLANTAR FLEXION of the ankle occurs when you stand on your tiptoes. If you're sitting with your legs out in front of you, plantar flexion of the ankle happens when you point your toes. DORSIFLEXION occurs when you stand on your heels with the balls of the feet lifted off the floor. If you're sitting, dorsiflexion happens when you push your heels away from you and pull your toes toward you. SUPINATION occurs when you stand with your weight rolled onto the outer edges of your feet, lifting the arches and the base of the big toe. Non-weight-bearing supination happens when you sit with your legs out in front of you and turn the soles of the feet so they start to face each other. PRONATION occurs when you lift the outer edges of your feet as you stand, collapsing your arches. In sitting postures, pronation occurs when you press out through your inner heels and the bases of your big toes.

Shift into Neutral To begin developing awareness in your feet, sit on the floor with both legs out in front of you. Let the muscles of both legs and hips completely relax. If you're like most people, your legs will probably roll out and your feet will rest in some degree of plantar flexion and supination. This natural alignment helps give spring to your step and absorbs impact when you walk: The foot is in supination as it hits the ground, moves into pronation as it takes your full weight, and returns to supination as the foot leaves the ground.
While the natural alignment of the feet and ankles is great for walking, in most non-weight-bearing positions it shortens the calf muscles and can lead to overstretching the lateral ankle ligaments, setting the stage for sprained ankles. So when you're not on your feet in yoga, it's usually best to train the foot and lower leg muscles to hold an anatomically neutral positiono you're neither plantar flexing nor dorsiflexing, and neither supinating nor pronatingather than defaulting to the easier (and lazier) rest position.
To deepen your understanding of the neutral position, try this experiment: Sitting on the floor, strongly point your toes. You will feel a stretch in the tops of your feet and ankles and compression at the backs of your ankles, just above the heels. Then strongly press your heels away from you and draw your toes toward you. You'll feel a stretch in your calf muscles and Achilles tendons, while the front of your ankles will feel tight and short. In the ideal neutral positionithout dorsiflexion or plantar flexionou should feel neither compression nor a major stretch at the front or backs of the ankles.
Next, let's balance supination and pronation. If you naturally supinate at restost people do, unless they have flat feetou can balance that tendency by pressing out through both the inner heel and the base of the big toe. To find neutral, imagine that the balls of your feet are touching a wall and that you want your big toes to touch it with the same amount of pressure as the little toes.
The muscles you use to control the foot's tendency to supinate are the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. They originate on the fibula, the outer and smaller of the two lower leg bones. These muscles travel down the outer calf, and their tendons go behind the outer anklebone. The larger and stronger of the two muscles is the peroneus longus, and its tendon crosses under the arch of the foot to attach to the underside of the arch on the medial (inner) side. When the peroneus longus contracts, it pronates the foot; if you're standing, it presses the base of the big toe into the ground. If the muscle is well developed, contracting it will create a visible groove on the outer calf from just below the knee to the outer ankle.
Reach for the Sky Now that you've seen and felt the neutral position, let's practice it in the foot and leg alignment needed for inversions. Lie down on your back. Note that if you let your legs externally rotate (roll outward), your feet will naturally tend to supinate. To counter this, press your legs together and draw your inner thighs toward the floor until the knees point straight up, then lengthen from your inner upper thighs to your inner heels and the bases of your big toes. Then press out through the four corners of each foot: the base of the big toe, the base of the little toe, the inner heel, and the outer heel. If you're like most practitioners, you'll need to emphasize the push on the medial (big-toe) sides to balance pronation and supination. Also, make sure that the front and back of each ankle feel evenly open, with no compression or stretching on either the front or the back.
After practicing these actions lying on the floor, apply them in your Sirsasana (Headstand), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand). Imagine that you are drawing energy from your foundation in the earth and sending it up through the pose to your legs, all the way to the four corners of each foot. Let your legs and feet express the vitality of your pose.
Standing poses like Virabhadrasana III and Ardha Chandrasana need similar actions in the lifted leg to avoid the wilted look. Don't just point the toes or press out with the heel; instead, press out with all four corners of the foot. Again, to avoid supination, you may need to press out more strongly with the inner heel and the base of the big toe. As an added benefit of sending your energy down the leg and out the sole, your spine will naturally lengthen away from your lifted foot, helping open up the center of your pose.
Take It Forward Your seated forward bends also benefit when you extend out through the legs and the soles of the feet, emphasizing the action of the peroneus longus to press through the inner heel and the base of the big toe. Remember: If your legs roll out, your feet will supinate, so be sure to press the inner thighs down until your kneecaps point straight up; then lengthen from your inner groins through the inner portions of your feet. However, the foot position in forward bends should differ from that in inversions in one important respect: The foot should dorsiflex so you stretch the entire back of the leg.
To work on this action, bring your attention to the back of your heel. Check that you are on the center of your heel, rolling the leg neither in nor out. Thengain emphasizing the inner heel to keep the foot balanced between pronation and supinationress your heel firmly forward so the Achilles tendon lengthens and there is less daylight between the tendon and the floor. This action will help ensure that your forward bends stretch the major muscles of your calves, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, as well as your hamstrings.
Spread the Joy Finally, a word about your toes: It's never too late to learn to spread them. You have muscles in your feet that are designed to spread your toes just as the muscles in your hands spread your fingers. If your toes stay glued together no matter how much you try to spread them, the muscles are probably atrophied from lack of use, and the toes themselves may have lost flexibility.
If you've managed to read this far with your shoes on, take them off. Sitting in any way you find comfortable, put the palm of your right hand onto the sole of your left foot. Insert your fingers between the toes. (The ends of the fingers are narrower and will give a gentler stretch than the bases of the fingers.) Bending your fingers onto the tops of your feet, gently squeeze your foot as if it were a sponge, then squeeze your fingers with your toes in the same way. Repeat for a minute or two, then remove your fingers and try spreading your toes again.
Have patience, even if you don't notice a big difference immediately. Over time, this exercise will begin to wake up your toes. In fact, if you regularly practice all the pointers provided in this article, your toes will loosen up; your muscle control over plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, supination, and pronation will improve; and your feet will become part of the healthy whole that is a yoga pose. A licensed physical therapist and certified Iyengar Yoga teacher, Julie Gudmestad runs a private physical therapy practice and yoga studio in Portland, Oregon. She regrets that she cannot respond to correspondence or calls requesting personal health advice.



「Hatha Yoga Pradipik」哈達瑜伽經 邱顯峯老師 譯

 瑜伽的鍛鍊淵遠流長,打從西元前五千年的希瓦到西元前一千五百年的克里斯那( 《 薄伽梵歌 》 作者),再到西元前約二百年至五百年間的帕坦佳利(《 勝王瑜伽經 》 作者)與阿士塔伐卡( 《 王者之王瑜伽經 》 作者),一直到西元十四至十六世紀的 《 哈達瑜伽經 》作者斯瓦特瑪拉摩。至此,瑜伽已形成了一整套完備的功法,而斯瓦特瑪拉摩正是把這整套功法揭露的第一人。
 與哈達瑜伽鍛鍊有關的典籍最主要的有四本,其中最重要且最早的一本就是斯瓦特瑪拉摩所著的 Hatha Pradi′pika′ (中譯為哈達燈炬或哈達之光)或稱為 Hatha Yoga Pradi′pika′ (中譯為哈達瑜伽燈炬或哈達瑜伽之光),筆者則將其譯為 《哈達瑜伽經 》 。最重要的第二本是 Gheranda Samhita′ (中譯為格蘭達集或格蘭達經),再其次為 S′iva Samhita (中譯為希瓦集或希瓦經)和 Goraksa S′ataka (中譯為牧牛尊者百論)。上述四本哈達瑜伽經典中, 《 希瓦集 》對經脈、脈輪、拙火、生命能有較詳盡的敘述,對心靈、靈性也有較多的論述,除此外,四本的內容大致上差異不大,但因為 《 哈達瑜伽燈炬 》最為瑜伽鍛鍊者所熟知,所以筆者就選擇 《 哈達瑜伽燈炬 》做 為哈達瑜伽經的代表。
 《 哈達瑜伽燈炬 》的梵文不只一種版本,且其章節數以及某些句子所屬章節也不盡相同,但基本上差異性不大。筆者挑選了一本較為正確且完整的來做為中譯本的參考,並把其它的哈達瑜伽相關論述如 《 格蘭達集 》、《 希瓦集 》等的闡述當作本經講解的補述。此外,也引用其它宗教哲學的論述以使讀者快速且正確地瞭解本經的旨意。
 哈達是 ha+tha 所組成, ha 是右脈、太陽脈的音根, tha 是左脈、月脈的音根,所以哈達是右左脈的鍛鍊法門。但實際上哈達瑜伽鍛鍊的目的不僅是肉體層次的鍛鍊,也不只是為了左右脈的合一, 其更重要的是為了打通中脈與脈輪,使生命能和拙火能進入中脈並流通於中脈,這才是通往究竟解脫的不二法門 。
~本文摘錄自 97 年 4 月份出版的 《 哈達瑜伽經詳解 》 ~

• 哈達瑜伽經的由來與意義
(一)由來 :
 早在西元前五千多年就有哈達瑜伽的鍛鍊,但直到西元十四至十六世紀左右,才有幾位偉大的瑜伽聖者著作了比較詳備的經論。其中最有名的就屬斯瓦特瑪拉摩( Sva′tma′ra′ma )所著的 《 哈達瑜伽經燈炬 》 ( Hatha Yoga Pradi′pika′ ),本書將其中譯為 《哈達瑜伽經 》 。
 本經作者的名字為 Sva′tma′ra′ma ,其字義為愛真我自性的人( sva ,自己+ a′tma′ ,真我自性+ ra′ma ,愛),他大約是西元十四至十六世紀左右的印度人。有關他的生平,依其在本經上的自述,只知他的瑜伽體系是傳承自魚帝尊者和牧牛尊者,除此之外,並沒有其它相關的歷史記載。
 • hatha 的意義可分為瑜伽上的意義和世俗上的意義。詳如下: ( 1 )在瑜伽上有三個意義:其一為, ha 是人體第五個脈輪的音根,也代表肉體, tha 是第六個脈輪的音根,也代表心靈。 hatha 代表經由肉體的鍛鍊來控制心靈。其二為, ha 是右脈也是太陽和行動的音根,tha 是左脈也是月亮和冷靜的音根,當這兩個相對且相反的波流強行合而為一時,即稱為哈達瑜伽。上述兩者都是一種強制或強迫的力量。其三為 hatha 是要終止生命能在左右脈的氣行,並使其與拙火一起進入中脈。 ( 2 )世俗上 hatha 代表強制力,強迫的力量。為何會如此說呢?這是因為, ha + tha 是透過強制力、強迫力使其結合在一起的。
 • Yoga 的字義大致可分為兩個。其一為,動詞字根 yuj 加字尾 ghain 所組成, yuj 意為「加」,例如 1+1=2 ,所以是相加之義;其二為動詞字根 yunj 加字尾 ghain 所組成, yunj 意 為「融合」,例如 1+1+ …… +1=1 ,所以是合一之義。在瑜伽上是採後者之義,也就是瑜伽代表著「天人合一」的概念。
 • Pradi′pika′ 的字義為燈炬、光,在此處特別指的是能照亮真我自性的慧炬。
• 本經的目的與結構
 第一、持戒、精進、有益飲食法  第二、瑜伽體位法  第三、六種淨化法  第四、生命能控制法(呼吸控制法)  第五、身印  第六、鎖印  第七、諦聽秘音  第八、融合與三摩地
• 本經功法的重點總述
 • 一般的練習者可能會認為把功法練好是最重要的,但從身心靈的整體概念來看,持戒、精進和有益飲食法則是最基礎的,基礎打好了,功法才能鍛鍊好。所以在勝王瑜伽的八部功法中,一樣以持戒和精進為前兩部。也因為有益飲食法對整體瑜伽的鍛鍊非常重要,所以在第二章生命能控制法的第一節又再一次地說要遵守有益的飲食法。
 • 瑜伽體位法的主要目的是得到身心的定 ( sthira )與舒適( sukha )(詳見《勝王瑜伽經》第二章第四十六節),而不只是身體的健康而已。體位法的進一步功能是平衡腺體的分泌和強化脈輪,它是所有實修功法的基礎。一般的練習者中,有的人會認為哈達是以體位法的鍛鍊為主,但本經的作者僅列出十五個代表式子,只佔了全經篇幅的一小部分而已,且在解說上也較側重心靈與靈性的功能。
 • 六種淨化法不僅對天生肥胖和有黏液缺陷者有功效,即使是一般人,練習後也會有很多的功效。因為身體淨化後不僅對練習呼吸控制法有幫助外,對其它功法的練習也都有很大的幫助,不過最好能有合格老師的指導,才比較不會因不當練習而受傷。
 • 生命能就是生命,沒有它就沒有生命,生命能不定,心靈也不能得定。透過生命能的鍛鍊,除了可獲得身體健康外,更重要的是為了淨化中脈,讓生命能和拙火能進入中脈。
 • 拙火存在著解脫之力,為了達到解脫與三摩地,就必須讓拙火從海底輪上升至頂輪。雖說體位法和呼吸控制法都有此功效,但不若身印法來的直接。身印法可直接喚醒沉睡的拙火並使其向上提升,比較特別的是練習身印時需要覺性意識的持續專注,才能發揮大的效用。
 • 鎖印是要控制生命氣能,常與身印、體位法、呼吸法搭配練習,它對拙火的提升、控制有很大的功效,也能避免甘露流失,而在練習上也需要覺性意識的持續專注。
 • 祕音就是見性意識──希瓦,它是一切創造的開始。諦聽祕音是一個很特殊的功法,不僅對上根器的人有效,對於不懂哲理、鈍根者,也有很大的功效,透過諦聽祕音可立即體驗到融合的境地。
 • 本經作者認為融合與三摩地是修煉的的極致,真正的融合就是究竟解脫。當個體自性和至上大我融合為一且一念不存,就稱為三摩地。如此便能達到勝王瑜伽的境地。
~本文節錄自 97 年 4 月份出版的 《 哈達瑜伽經詳解 》 ~
第一章 瑜伽體位法( A′sana )
 本章的主要內容有: 1. 本經前言(包括持戒、精進)。 2. 體位法。 3. 哈達瑜伽鍛鍊的次第與相關重要的注意事項。內容簡述如下:
1.本經前言:  • 向瑜伽的元始至尊希瓦致敬。 • 哈達瑜伽的目的是為了達到勝王瑜伽。  • 撰寫本經──《哈達燈炬》的緣由是為了去除眾說紛紜所帶來的迷惑,以使人得以認知到勝王瑜伽。  • 斯瓦特瑪拉摩是傳承自魚帝尊者和牧牛尊者。  • 哈達瑜伽是所有瑜伽鍛鍊者的支柱。  • 要保守哈達瑜伽修持的祕密。  • 良好的修行環境與住所規劃。  • 鍛鍊瑜伽所應遵循的基本規範與修持(包括持戒、精進)。
2.體位法:  • 體位法的種類非常的多,斯瓦特瑪拉摩特別舉了瓦西斯塔和魚帝尊者所認可的十一個式子以及希瓦所最重視的四個式子做代表。  • 相較於當今瑜伽體位法的教學內容與姿式變化,本經的陳述顯得古樸純真,但其內容不乏一些被當今所忽略,屬於心靈導向靈性方面的功效,讀者不妨細細品味。當今瑜伽體位法的練習大多著重在健美,但是早期鍛鍊體位法的目的除了生理層面的健康外,更是為了生命能與心靈的提升做準備,以期達到開悟和解脫。 3.鍛鍊次第與相關注意事項:  • 哈達瑜伽鍛鍊的次第為:體位法、各種住氣法、身印和諦聽內在的秘音。  • 有益的飲食法和初學者宜避開的事項。  • 有鍛鍊才會有成就,僅靠研讀經典是不可能獲得成果。
1-1向元始至尊( S′ri′a′dina′tha ,至尊希瓦)稽首,你闡述了哈達瑜伽( Hatha Yoga )的知識,哈達瑜伽就像是引領靈修的渴望者達到至高勝王瑜伽( Ra′ja Yoga )的階梯。
1-2禮敬上師納塔尊者( Guru S′ri′na′tha ),瑜伽士斯瓦特瑪拉摩 ( Sva′tma′ra′ma ) 所述的哈達瑜伽知識僅是為了達到勝王瑜伽。
1-3由於眾說紛紜使人迷惑( bhra′ntya′ )而無法認知到勝王瑜伽,非常仁慈的斯瓦特瑪拉摩著作了《哈達燈炬》( Hathapradi′pika′ , 又譯為哈達之光)以去除其黑暗。
1-16熱忱精進( utsa′ha )、勇健( sa′hasa )、恆心( dhairya )、對真理的認知、堅定信念( nis′caya )、不與人群相往來,此六種有助於瑜伽的鍛鍊。
不傷害( Ahimsa′ )、不悖誠信( Satya )、不偷竊( Asteya )、心不離道( Brahmacarya )、有耐性( Ksama′ )、勇猛( dhrti )、慈悲( daya′ )、正直( arjava )、節制飲食( mita′ha′ra )、潔淨( s′auca )等十條是應遵守的戒律( yama )。
苦行( tapah )、知足( santosa )、虔敬( a′stikya )、佈施( da′na )、對至上的奉獻( I′s′varapu′janam )、聽聞真理( siddha′nta va′kya s′ravana )、羞恥心( hri′mat )、聰慧( mati )、持咒( japa )、奉獻( huta )等十條是精進的法則( niyama )。
1-17體位法( A′sana )被視為哈達瑜伽鍛鍊的首要階段。體位法可帶來身心安定、健康和身體輕盈 ( angala′ghavam )。
1-35完美坐式( Siddha′sana ,又譯為聖者坐式)以一腳的腳跟抵住會陰,以另一隻腳的腳跟抵住前陰上方,下巴穩穩地扣於胸前,身體坐正不動,收攝感官,雙眼凝視眉心,這就是完美坐式,它可以打開通往究竟解脫( moksa )的門戶
1-43沒有體位法像完美坐式(殊勝),沒有住氣法像自發住氣法( Kevala )(殊勝),沒有身印像逆舌身印( Khecari′ )(殊勝),沒有任何融合( laya ,又譯為消融、深定)像諦聽內在 祕 音( na′da )(殊勝)。
1-55優秀的瑜伽行者在練習體位法和鎖印已不疲累時,就應練習呼吸控制法和身印等方法來使經脈( na′di′ )得到淨化。
1-56體位法、各種住氣法和身印( mudra′khyam ,原字義是「被稱為身印」(的功法)),接著是諦聽內在的祕音,是鍛鍊哈達瑜伽的順序。
1-58節制飲食是指攝取令人滿意的( susnigdha ,原意是柔軟的)食物和甜點,並留給胃四分之一的空間,且把飲食視為是對至上( S′iva ,希瓦,代表至上)的取悅。
1-64不論是年輕人、老年人、非常老的人、生病者或虛弱者,只要能積極努力( atandrita ,字義為不倦、不懈怠)鍛鍊瑜伽,一定能獲致成就。
1-67在未達到勝王瑜伽( Ra′ja yoga )的果地前,就必須鍛鍊哈達瑜伽的各種體位法、各種住氣法( kumbhaka )和各種神聖功法。
~本文節錄自 97 年 4 月份出版的 《 哈達瑜伽經詳解 》 ~
第二章 生命能控制法( Pra′na′ya′ma )
 本章的主要內容有: 1. 生命能控制法的前言。 2. 左右脈淨化呼吸法。 3. 六種淨化法。 4. 八種住氣法。 5. 哈達瑜伽練功有成的徵候和練功叮嚀。內容簡述如下:
1.生命能控制法前言:• 體位法之後接著是鍛鍊生命能控制法。 • 鍛鍊生命能控制法必須遵守有益飲食法和依循上師的指導。 • 呼吸與心靈關係密切,呼吸就是生命。 • 要達到三摩地,必須生命能與拙火都進入中脈。 • 永遠要以悅性覺來從事生命能的鍛鍊,如此才能使中脈獲得淨化。
2.左右脈淨化呼吸法:• 這是瑜伽呼吸法中最重要的呼吸法之一。「哈達」之意就是日與月,也就是右左脈。左右脈淨化呼吸法就是為了淨化左右脈,以喚醒拙火並使拙火和生命氣進入中脈。 • 初學者練習此法時,大部分都只知道左右鼻孔的按壓和強迫性的止息,而不知道練習過程可能的現象以及所需要配合的相關注意事項。在本經裡,除了明示練習過程可能的現象外,也告訴我們一些飲食配合和循序漸進的重要。雖然此功法的功效很大,但是不當的練習還是會產生傷害。
3. 六種淨化法:   在鍛鍊各種呼吸法之前,斯瓦特瑪拉摩特別為有體質肥胖和多黏液者提供了六種淨化法及清胃法以做為輔助。即使沒有肥胖和多黏液問題的人,偶而練習此法,也會有一些淨化的功效,尤其是頭顱清明法和改良式的大腸潔淨法,更被大家廣泛的應用。
4.八種住氣法:  八種住氣法也稱為八種呼吸法。其中有一些蠻重要的呼吸法,一直到現今仍被廣泛的應用。像烏佳依住氣法、風箱式住氣法都是大家所熟悉的。雖然現今的作法比以前多了些許變化,但本經所開示的一些重要內容,卻是當今部分練習者所不知或忽略的,諸如如何透過左鼻孔呼吸來降低燥熱等。
5.哈達瑜伽練功有成的徵候和練功叮嚀: • 哈達瑜伽鍛鍊有成的徵候有:身體變瘦、容顏明淨愉悅、聽到清晰的內在聲音……等。• 哈達瑜伽與勝王瑜伽是相輔相成,必須兩者一起鍛鍊的
2-1  當瑜伽體位法穩固( drdha )後,瑜伽行者要遵守有益的飲食節制和依循上師的指導來鍛鍊生命能控制法( pra′na′ya′ma )。
2-2  當呼吸( va′ta ,原字義是風、空氣)不穩定時,心靈亦隨之不定,當呼吸穩定時,心靈亦隨之得定,瑜伽行者也因此獲得穩定,所以應鍛鍊呼吸的懸止( nirodha )。
2-6  所以永遠要以悅性覺( sa′ttvika buddhi )來從事生命能控制法的鍛鍊,以便使不純淨的中脈( susumna' na′di′ )獲得淨化。
2-12  在(練習過程的)初始階段,會有出汗現象,中間階段裡會有顫動的現象,在最高階段裡將不動搖,並獲致對生命氣( va′yu )的控鎖( nibandha )。
2-14  在練習的初始階段,建議( s′asta ,原字義是被推崇)多攝取含有牛奶和純奶油( ghee )類的食物,當練習到穩固後,飲食就不受限於此法則。
2-16  正確地鍛鍊生命能控制法,可消除各種疾病,但是不當的瑜伽鍛鍊則可能導致各種疾病。
2-21 原有體質肥胖和多黏液( s′lesman )者必須先練習六種淨化法( satkarma ),其他無致病三因( dosa (致病三因)是指 va′ta ,氣,又譯為風、 pitta ,膽汁、 s′lesman ,黏液)不調者則不需要。
2-22六種淨化法( Satkarma )   這六種是上腹腔潔淨法( Dhauti )、大腸潔淨法( Basti )、鼻腔潔淨法( Neti )、凝視法( Tra′taka )、腹腔旋轉法( Nauli )和頭顱清明法( Kapa′labha′ti )。
2-35頭顱清明呼吸法( Kapa′labha′ti ,音譯為卡帕拉巴提)   就像鐵匠的風箱一般,快速地吸氣和呼氣,可以使過多黏液乾燥(意即消除黏液失調的疾病),這就稱為卡帕拉巴提( Kapa′labha′ti ,字意是「頭顱清明」)呼吸法。
2-36  在利用六種淨化法消除天生肥胖、黏液缺陷和不淨後,再鍛鍊生命能控制法就很容易獲致成功。
2-41  藉由適當的生命能控制使經脈與脈輪獲得淨化,那麼生命氣就能打開中脈入口,輕易貫穿中脈。
2-42末那摩尼( Manonmani′ )   當生命氣流通中脈後,使心靈獲致定靜,此心靈定靜的狀態就是末那摩尼( manonmani′ )之境。
2-51烏佳依住氣法( Ujja′yi′ )   把嘴巴閉合,將空氣由左右脈(雙鼻孔)緩緩吸入充塞喉嚨到心臟的部位,吸氣時要帶著(一點)聲音 。
2-54嘶聲住氣法( Si′tka′ri )  (將舌頭放在上下排牙齒或兩唇之間)由口吸氣,吸氣時帶著嘶嘶聲(然後住氣),再由鼻孔呼氣。鍛鍊此法,會變成愛神第二。
2-68嗡音呼吸法( Bhra′mari′ )   快速( vega ,另意為用力)吸氣,並發出雄黑蜂的嗡音,接著緩緩呼氣,發出雌黑蜂的嗡音,鍛鍊此法可讓行者成為瑜伽之王且心靈進入自在喜悅。
2-71  生命能控制法包括吸氣、呼氣和住氣三種。而住氣法又有兩種,一種是連結式( Sahita )住氣,另一種是自發性( Kevala )住氣。
2-76  要達到勝王瑜伽,無法不藉助哈達瑜伽,要達到哈達瑜伽,也無法不藉助勝王瑜伽。在未獲致圓滿成就前,兩者要一起鍛鍊。
~本文摘錄自 97 年 4 月份出版的 《 哈達瑜伽經詳解 》 ~
第三章  身印( Mudra′s )
 本章的主要內容: 1. 拙火與中脈的重要性。 2. 身印的重要性與功能。 3. 十大身印。內容簡述如下:
1.拙火與中脈的重要性: • 拙火是沉睡在中脈根部的海底輪上,形狀成捲曲。它是瑜伽行者的支撐,也是瑜伽行者的究竟解脫力。能提升此力者,無疑地能獲得解脫。 • 中脈是人體裡最主要的脈,當中脈成為生命能主要通道時,心靈將得到獨立自主,並能超越死亡。被喚醒的拙火要在中脈裡貫穿脈輪和脈叢結,並達到至高的頂輪。
2.身印的重要性與功能: • 鍛鍊身印除了可使生理上獲得健康外,其最主要的目的是為了喚醒沉睡的拙火,並使其在中脈裡上升,穿過各個脈輪達到頂輪,以獲得三摩地和究竟解脫。
3.十大身印: • 大身印、大鎖印和大擊印 • 根鎖、臍鎖和扣胸鎖印 • 逆作身印 • 拙火提升印
3-1 就像蛇王以山和森林支撐地球,所有瑜伽行者以潛在靈能拙火( Kundali′ )做支撐。
3-2 由於上師的恩典,喚醒了沉睡的拙火,那麼所有的脈輪( padma′ni )和脈叢結( granthi )也都將被貫穿 。
3-3 當中脈( S′u′nyapadavi ,原字義是空徑)成為生命能的主要通道時,心靈會入住無依( nira′lamba ,又譯為獨立自主),並超越死亡( ka′lasya van′canam ,原字義是矇騙時間)。
3-5因此為了喚醒沉睡在通往至上( Brahma )入口的女神(拙火),就應精勤地鍛鍊各種身印( Mudra′s )。
3-6大身印( Maha′mudra′ )、大鎖印( Maha′bandha )、大擊印( Maha′vedha ,又譯為大穿透印)、逆舌身印( Khecari′ )、臍鎖( Uddi′ya′na Bandha ,又譯為飛昇鎖印)、根鎖( Mu′ la Bandha )、扣胸鎖印( Ja′landhara Bandha )。
3-7 逆作身印( Vipari′takarani′ )、金剛力身印( Vajroli′ ,又譯為尿道上吸身印)和拙火提升印( S′aktica′lana ,原字義是指拙火的前進),這十種身印可消除老化與死亡。
3-40證得( vetti 、又譯為熟練)逆舌身印者,不受疾病苦、不為行業( Karma )(註)所束縛,亦不?時間所困。
3-49當舌頭往後伸入上顎後凹洞時,會激發熱能引起瓊漿玉液的分泌,這就是永生酒( amarava′runi′m ),它是月( candra )所分泌的甘露
3-52彌樓山( Meru )頂是諸經脈的源頭( tarastha ,通路所在),甘露是來自穴中被刺激( prahita ,被催促的)所分泌 而下行的,其中的真諦便是智者所講述的。從月( Candra )所流出的甘露是人體的精髓,若是流失便是死亡。因此要鍛鍊逆舌身印,若不如此是無法獲得(身體的)成就。
3-55飛昇鎖印( Uddi′ya′na Bandha ,又譯為臍鎖、吊胃鎖) 之所以被瑜伽士稱為飛昇鎖印,是因為鍛鍊此法可以使生命能( pra′na )被鎖在中脈裡飛昇。
3-61根部鎖印( Mu′ la Bandha ,簡稱根鎖) 以腳跟壓住會陰,收縮肛門以提昇下行氣( apa′na )。
3-64藉由根部鎖印使上行氣( Pra′na )和下行氣( Apa′na )以及 祕 音( Na′da )和神性點( Bindu ) 結合為一,無疑地可使瑜伽行者獲得合一的成就。
3-70扣胸鎖印( Ja′landhara bandha ) 收縮喉嚨,下巴穩固地扣於胸部,此為扣胸鎖印( Ja′landhara bandha ),它可以消除老化和死亡。
3-77所有從月叢流出具有神性特質的甘露,被日叢給吞噬,因而導致身體的老化 。
3-105就如同門是靠鑰匙來打開,同樣地,瑜伽行者要打開究竟解脫( moksa )之門是靠哈達( Hatha )所開啟的拙火( Kundalini′ ) 。
3-107沉睡在根部( kanda )上的拙火力,是瑜伽行者的究竟解脫( moksa )力,是無知者的束縛力,知此者,即知曉瑜伽。
3-109在恆河( Ganga′ ,左脈)和賈姆那河( Yamuna′ ,右脈)的中間有一位年輕寡婦的苦行者,必須強力地抓住她,以達到維世奴的最高( Visnu ,原字義是遍一切處(之主))席座 。
3-127心靈應專注地修煉所有的呼吸法,智者不應心神不定( manovrtti ) 。

~本文節錄自 97 年 4 月份出版的 《 哈達瑜伽經詳解 》 ~

第四章 三摩地( Sama′dhi )
 本章的主要內容有: 1. 三摩地的定義與境地描述。 2. 上師的重要。 3. 中脈的重要。 4. 導致心靈不定的因素。 5. 融合(消融)的定義與境界。 6. 希瓦身印和逆舌身印。 7. 諦聽秘音。 8. 瑜伽鍛鍊的四個階段。 9. 實修實證的重要。內容簡述如下:
1.三摩地的定義與境地描述: • 三摩地的定義若依次第來分共可分為三個:第一是生命能消失且心靈也已消融;第二是心靈與個體自性合而為一;第三是個體自性和至上大我融合為一。 • 處在三摩地中的瑜伽行者,沒有嗅覺、味覺、視覺、觸覺、聽覺、冷熱覺、苦樂覺、榮辱覺,對自己和別人也都沒有覺知;不被一切給征服,也不被符咒給影響;在達到溫曼尼的境地時,是沒有二元性的存在。
2. 上師的重要: • 沒有上師的教導無法獲致知識、解脫、不動搖和成就。 • 沒有完美上師的恩慈,要達到本我之境是非常的困難。
3.中脈的重要:   在第三章已提過中脈的重要性,而在本章裡更述明中脈裡有著主希瓦的力量,它是所有經脈中最為重要的。
4.導致心靈不定的因素: • 要獲致三摩地必須先消除讓心靈的不定的因素,本經作者認為不定因素有二,其一為渴求、習性或種種念;其二為呼吸,而此兩者彼此間有著密切的關係,只要一方穩定了,另一方也會跟著穩定。
5. 融合(消融)的定義與境界: • laya 可譯為消融、融合或深定。依本經的定義,當行動、呼吸、感官、心念、覺知都不起作用時,就是融合(消融)之境,所有生命體的五大元素、感官和拙火都將消融於無相之中。• 真正的融合就是究竟解脫,並將經驗到狂喜或喜悅,且不再有渴求(或習性)和念的存在。
6. 諦聽秘音: • 諦聽的初層次是用耳聽,精細層面的聽是用心聽。 • 透過諦聽祕音,可立即體驗到融合的境地。此法對於只有少許知識和鈍根的人也會喜愛和受持。祕音可以攝心、定心,使心靈消融於祕音,並達到維世奴的最高境地。
7.瑜伽鍛鍊的四個階段: • 聽聞的聲音會由較大的聲音,逐漸地轉為精細的聲音。不管聽聞到的是什麼聲音,心靈都不能旁騖,並應與其融合為一。 • 只要還有音聲相的聽聞,都還在「空」元素的概念中,都在造化勢能的範圍裡。直到沒有音聲、無形無相時才是至上本體,才是大自在。 • 當心靈成為一時,就是勝王瑜伽,瑜伽行者等同於上帝。
8.實修實證的重要: • 只要冥想時心靈尚未與真性合一,那麼所談的靈性知識,都是不實的欺騙與空談。
4-1向上師希瓦( S′iva )頂禮,祂就是祕音( na′da )、核心( Bindu )和放射的光( Kala′ )本身,臣服於祂者將達到永恆純淨之境。
4-7當個體自性( ji′va′tma )和至上大我( Parama′tma )融合為一且一念不存時,就稱為三摩地。
4-11一個已喚醒拙火,且捨棄( tyakta )一切行業( karma )的瑜伽行者即可達到本我之境( Sahaja′vastha′ ,又指本我三摩地)。
4-15如果生命能仍活著且心靈尚未死去,那麼心靈怎麼可能獲得智慧( jn′a′na )呢?除非能讓生命能和心靈停止作用( vilaya ,消失、毀滅),否則無法獲得究竟解脫( Moksa ) 。
4-18人體內共有七萬二千條經脈( na′di′s ),中脈有著主希瓦的力量( S′a′mbhavi′ S′akti ,純意識的力量),它是最為重要的,其餘的則不重要 。
4-21呼吸得到控制( badhyate ,原意是限制、抑止、綁住),心靈也會得到控制( badhyate );同樣地,心靈得到控制,呼吸也會得到控制。
4-22有兩種導致心靈不定的因素:渴求( Va′sana′ ,又譯為習性)、呼吸( Sami′rana ,風)。只要一個因素消除,另一個因素也會消除。
4-23當心靈消融( vili′yate )時,呼吸就會懸止( li′yate );當呼吸懸止時,心靈就會消融。
4-29心靈是感官的主人,而呼吸是心靈的主人,融合( laya ,消融、深定)是呼吸的主人,融合( laya )有賴於祕音( na′da )
4-30真正的融合( laya ,消融、深定)就是究竟解脫( moksa ),或許有人不認為那是究竟解脫,但是當心靈與生命能消融後,將經驗到狂喜或喜悅( a′nanda )
4-36希瓦身印( S′a′mbhavi′ Mudra′ ) 內觀(自性或至上)( antarlaksya ),外觀凝視不眨眼,此為希瓦身印( S′a′mbhavi′ Mudra′ ) ,這是吠陀和經論所保守的祕密。
4-44當左右脈的生命氣( anila )被中間的空脈(中脈)所吞噬( gra′sa )時,就是逆舌身印,這是確切的真諦( satya ) 。
4-49逆舌身印應修煉至達到瑜伽眠( Yoga nidra′ )的境地,能達到瑜伽眠者,時間是不存在的 。
4-55將真我自性( a′tma′ )住於至上本體( Kha )裡,也將至上本體( Kha )住於真我自性中。將一切視為至上本體,別無它念。
4-61世界上所有可動與不可動( cara′cara ,又譯為有生命與無生命)都是心靈所現(心靈的創造物),在達到溫曼尼( Unmani′ )境地時,是沒有二元性的存在。
4-69在所有瑜伽鍛鍊裡都有四個階段: 1 起始( A′rambha )、 2 水壺(瓶)( Ghata )、 3 熟知、熟練( Paricaya )、 4 究竟圓滿( Nispatti )。
4-77當心靈(與一切)成為一時( eki′bhu′ta ),就是勝王瑜伽( Ra′jayoga ),瑜伽行者就等同上帝成為創造和毀滅者。
4-78解脫與否無礙於喜悅,喜悅來自於勝王瑜伽的融合( laya ,消融、深定)(於至上)。
4-98火燒木頭,木盡火亦盡,諦聽祕音的心靈亦將消融於祕音 。
4-101只要仍聽聞到音聲,則表示仍在「空」元素的概念中( a′ka′s′asamkalpa ),達到沒有音聲時,才是至上本體( Parama Brahma )、至上真我( Parama′tma ) 。
4-112健健康康地,醒時若寐,息不出入,無疑是真實的解脫者 。              節錄自 97 年 4 月份出版的 《 哈達瑜伽經詳解 》 ~


Catch early-bird prices today!


Yogini VOL.14─特集:LOVE&YOGA

P.24 從瑜珈姿勢中來感受身體交流的愛
P.28 體會空氣中五大元素所帶來的愉悅感
P.30 健康自然風美味餐點DIY玄米蒸飯、蘿蔔味噌湯、青菜佐果仁醬…
P.32 瑜珈達人座談會
P.36 打造最適合瑜珈的自家住宅
P.52 點綴瑜珈住宅的最佳裝飾物件
P.55 一分半輕鬆體驗瑜珈入門
P.56 2008瑜珈流行搶先看!讓您穿的舒服又時尚!
P.68 沉靜指數心理測驗特集:Anusara Yoga入門指南
P.82 Anusara Yoga創始者John Friend專訪
P.84 Anusara Yoga入門概說
P.86 四大基本姿勢教學

「Anusara Yoga」,在所有的瑜珈流派中屬於強調自我身體解放的一支,從1997年發展至今,已成為發展最快速的瑜珈派別之一。在本期的『Yogini』中,便要為您介紹目前在日本相當具有人氣的「Anusara Yoga」,從入門常識到基本概念,不妨一起來體會通體舒暢的瑜珈快感吧!



被遺忘的生命奧秘 - 演講與靜坐的祝福



專訪Dharma Mittra瑜珈大師

The goal of yoga is Self-realization:
to find out who you are,why you're here,who God is.
God and the Self are the same-exactly the same.

摘錄自 YOGA+雜誌 March April 2008 p.54-55 No Yama, No Yoga
*Dharma Mittra瑜珈大師將會出席2008年7月香港瑜珈節


優人神鼓 4月19日衛武營【聽海之心】紀念公演(免費)

"瑜珈608式體位法 ASANAS 608 Yoga Postures"書摘要介紹

ASANAS 608 Yoga Postures
By Dharma Mittra

When I first left the ashram of my guru, Swami Kailashananda, in 1975,
I was very enthusiastic, in good shape, and spiritually intoxicated.
1975年當我離開我的上師Swami Kailashananda的瑜珈修練所,
I wanted to give the guru something in thanks as an act of devotion, so
I set to work on the Master Yoga Chart of 908 Asanas.
At the time yoga wasn't as popular in the United States as it is now
so I had to work out how to do many of the postures myself - some were
explained in texts, but not all were illustrated.
I gathered information from my guru, from books, and from students who had come
from other teachers.
I mounted a Nikon camera and a video camera with
a monitor so I could see the correct angle when I was in the pose.
Once in position I clicked with a wire remote, a little pump.
In many poses I had to hold the pump in my mouth and activate it by biting.
I had four seconds to spit it out before the flash popped.
Every morning I would shoot two or three rolls of film.
I did about 1,300 postures in less than three months, then I cut them out and
pinned them on a big piece of cardboard.
I knew that if I made the chart, one day it would be a success, just like a painting that is
done 100 years before it is recognized.
It is said that yoga takes the shape of all of creation.

There are an infinite number of poses - this is what makes yoga a living tradition.

Three thousand years ago yoga started with one meditative pose, Easy

The word asana originally meant "meditative posture."

Then the masters introduced Cobra Pose to keep the spine flexible.

In their quest for physical health they developed the eight most important
poses to insure the health of the body and glands.

From there it grew.
Even today dozens of new poses are created each year by true yogis all
over the world. There are many different schools, each with their own
variations, but basically all yoga comes from the same set of classic
asanas. In the 30 years I have been teaching I have developed many
poses, but in yoga no one puts his or her name on a pose because in
reality I didn't do anything. I am just a body through which the
intuition has passed.

Many of the newer and more popular variations of yoga are geared to
getting into a sweat and burning calories. They require a lot of
movement and people tend not to worry about concentrating in the pose.
The way I learned, you relax and concentrate on the third eye or, if
you're not feeling comfortable, on the point of stress. This calms you
down, helps diminish desires, and focuses energy. But here's the
truth: while there's a different style for every kind of person, all
yoga, if practiced properly, achieves the same ends.

Still, even with books like this, students should have a teacher
available. The guru has gone the route. He or she knows the journey
and is able to guide others. He or she will know which poses are good
for you and which to avoid. As students grow spiritually and improve
their mental patterns they'll attract better teachers. Unfortunately
there are many certified yoga instructors today who don't know
anything about yoga. But students needn't worry - everything has a
divine purpose. Instructors who don't know anything attract students
who don't deserve the truth yet. There is a natural order in the

Yoga is beneficial to so many physical conditions, but the ultimate
reason to practice it is to find the truth. Asanas are only one part
of an eight-stage process in the search for enlightenment. They
prepare the body for meditation. The great yoga master Iyengar said,
"My body is my altar, and my postures are the prayers." Only when
you've learned the postures and the ways to control the mind, the
breath, the senses, and the emotions, are you ready to enter the

Yoga means yoke, or union, with the spirit. Some people think, "I'm in
this pose so I've achieved godliness." They're not even doing yoga
yet. Unless you've surrendered to the Lord, or to the Divine Spirit,
or to whomever you may call God, you're only doing something for
yourself. To find that union you must surrender. Then you can achieve
samadhi, that deeper consciousness in which you become identified with
the object of your concentration. You need to go beyond the individual
mind and join the ocean of consciousness.

I know that sounds like a lofty ambition - most people come to class
to improve their figures. But as they practice they gradually and
automatically start changing their ideas. They start thinking more
about the spirit. Automatically it begins to have another effect,
something that's learned less from thought than through experience.

Students often ask me how they can go deeper into a posture. In a way
they are asking the wrong question. Form, breath, and focus are much
more important than range of motion. As long as you're aligned and
breathing, don't worry about how far you can go. That said, you must
learn to relax in the pose in order to master it. The first few times
you cross your legs in Lotus Pose, say, it's extremely painful. After
a few weeks of practice, you'll be able to spend some minutes in it.
Eventually you will feel comfortable.

As I mentioned before, there are eight basic poses that will give you
everything you need for good physical health - they can all be made
more challenging depending on your flexibility. The basic eight are:
Sirshasana (Head Stand); Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), Bhujangasana
(Cobra, which leads into Bow Pose); Paschimatanasana (Full Back
Stretch); Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist); Maha Mudra (One-Leg Back
Stretch or Powerful Seal); Siddhasana (Easy Lotus); Padmasana (Lotus

Unlike bodybuilding or other purely physical routines, yoga is a
holistic practice. Each pose performs many functions, not all of them
obvious, that can stimulate internal organs and glands, increase the
flow of blood, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Dhanurasana,
Bow Pose, is a good example. It bends the spine backwards, which
develops its flexibility and elasticity. At the same time, the body is
resting on the abdomen, stretching and relaxing muscles there,
improving digestion and peristalsis. This can help chronic
constipation and liver dysfunction. It also sends a rush of blood to
the abdominal viscera. So while it may be classified as a Back Stretch
pose, it also has a powerful effect on the internal organs.

One more thing: It's a mistake to expect benefits from any pose.
Expectations make you restless because if you fail to get what you
expect, you feel miserable. Yoga practice is an act of adoration to
the Lord - you do it because it has to be done. If you have this
mental attitude, your selfishness disappears and the benefits come.

In addition to practicing asanas there are other things you may want
to do to hasten your development and achieve spiritual bliss.

Use discrimination before any action, making sure your actions are
honest, respectful, and right.
Avoid cruelty. Often students will automatically abandon meat, not
because it's bad for the body, but because they don't want to
participate in the violence of eating their fellow beings.
Practice pranayama, or breath control. The ancient masters believed
that every life had a preordained or finite number of breaths in it.
Pranayama was developed to extend the breath, and thus lengthen life.
Most people practice pranayama in the morning, between 4 a.m. and 6
a.m., when the mind and senses are calm. After 4 p.m., once the body
is warmed up from the day's movement, they do asanas. You move 20
percent better then.
Maintain a light diet - juices, fruits, salads - after 6 p.m. You'll
have a good sleep and wake up refreshed. Your stomach must be empty
during sleep because that's when the body repairs itself; with food in
it the body is occupied with digestion so you wake up more tired than
when you went to sleep. Tha's why some Buddhist monks never eat before
noon or after 4 p.m.
Essentially, if you control your mouth - what you put into it and what
comes out of it - you've controlled much of your mind already.

Some people hope to reach higher states of consciousness from yoga and
meditation. It's possible, but it requires much practice. The old
masters defined concentration as the ability to keep the mind on one
point for twelve seconds without a break. Twelve concentrations - or
two and half minutes -equal one meditation. Twelve meditations take a
half hour. If you can concentrate without any break, if the flow of
concentration is uninterrupted like oil pouring from a spout, then
you've achieved the last state of yoga, samadhi, cosmic consciousness.
Some yogis can enter samadhi as soon as they close their eyes;
beginners take several minutes just to enter the state of meditation.

After years of practicing pranayama, I have heard the inner sounds,
which are called nada in Sanskrit. These sounds are said to be the
buzzing, crackling, and hissing of kundalini as prana travels up the
spine. These sounds never mix with those from the outside. I have also
felt the heat of pure energy rising up my spine. I have never taken
LSD, but the way people describe it, the sensation is comparable to
that or to that of an orgasm. Not a sexual orgasm, but a rush of pure

There is always an excuse not to do yoga and I've heard them all. "I'm
not feeling well," "It's too cold (or too hot)," or "the city is too
hectic and not a spiritual place." I think New York City is the best
place to practice. Forgive my paraphrase, but as the song says, if you
can achieve it here, you can do it anywhere. I know many yogis in
India who can renounce the world, sit under the tree, and raise their
kundalini because they have no distractions. But then they come here
and get tempted by the world, cars, fame, women, money, and...well
that's why there are so many scandals around yogis. If you can
overcome the temptations here, you really have mastered the senses.


Dharma Mittra的介紹

Dharma Mittra, 66, who in the yoga world is known at "the rock of Yoga" doing hands free head stand pose at Meditation Mount, as Nathan Davis , 5, of Ojai watches.
Dharma Mittra 66歲時(拍攝相片時)在加州Ojai的Meditation Mount處,旁有5歲的小朋友Nathan Davis 合照,他"做單點頭頂倒立式"體位法,以"石上瑜珈"成名於世

推薦書"ASANAS 608"可於amazon網站購得此書

  • 小傳(轉譯自http://www.pranamaya.com/what_mittra.html)
  • Sri Dharma Mittra has spent most of his life in service to humanity, disseminating ancient knowledge for achieving radiant health and spiritual development.
    Dharma Mittra尊者將其醫生貢獻於服務人群,傳播古老的智慧實現洋溢著幸福的健康及精神上的精進

    He was born in the late 1930's, and excelled from an early age at wrestling and weight lifting.

    After spending 7 years in the Air Force, Dharma began studying Yoga in 1958.
  • Swami Kailashananda 尊者

    He met his teacher Sri Swami Kailashananda in 1964, and after immersing himself in intense study and practice of the eight limbs of Yoga—especially Karma Yoga—Dharma was initiated as a sannyasi, one who renounces the material world while seeking God.
    1964年他遇到他的上師Swami Kailashananda 尊者,開始潛心熱切的學習和練習八支瑜珈-尤其是業瑜珈(以修善業而得梵我合一)他讓自己成為一位印度的托缽僧-一位放棄物質世界追尋神的修行者

    Beginning in 1967, Dharma taught Yoga for 8 years at his guru's ashram and was celebrated for his skill and mastery.
    1967年起 Dharma已因其熟練及精通瑜珈 技巧馳名,且開始在其上師修行處教瑜珈持續8年

    In 1975 he left the ashram and founded the Yoga Asana Center, known today as the Dharma Yoga Center.

    In 1984 Dharma completed the Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures, as an offering to his Guru, and for all Yoga aspirants.

    This original masterpiece was meticulously assembled from over 1,350 self-photographed postures and hand-assembled by Dharma himself.

    The poster hangs in many prestigious yoga schools and ashrams worldwide.

    He is the author of the book Asanas: 608 Yoga Poses published by New World Library, is featured in American Yoga and is the inspiration for Yoga Journal's book Yoga.
    他也是"瑜珈608式體位法"的作者,由新世界圖書館出版,美國瑜珈界以此書作為號召象徵且鼓舞Yoga Journal's雜誌出版書的靈感

    Dharma was one of the first independent Yoga teachers in the United States, initiating tens of thousands on the path of Yoga before styles of Yoga became popular.

    He has remained truthful to the original classical practice, and is loved by students from all walks of Yoga for his humility, humor, joy and kindness in teaching.

    Dharma has been offering daily classes in New York since he started in 1967, and to this day makes himself available regularly to anyone in need of help and direction.

    Dharma Mittra conducts Maha Sadhana and Yogi Treasures for a Shortcut to Immortality workshops worldwide as well as ongoing, in-depth Life of a Yogi teacher training programs at the Dharma Yoga Center.
    Dharma Mittra在其Dharma 瑜珈中心,引導 Maha Sadhana 及Yogi Treasures 不間斷的舉行短期至長期的研習營給予瑜珈老師深入生命的瑜珈修練者訓練課程
    For more information on Sri Dharma Mittra and his work, visit www.dharmayogacenter.com

  • DVD出版

    Now available:

    Maha Sadhana - Level 1

    In this 4-hour DVD, Dharma presents level I of his remarkable teachings—an approach to yoga respecting the great foundations of this ancient practice: asana, pranayama, meditation, ethical rules and spiritual discourse. The discussion topics, asana practices and other exercises are designed to be accessible to any able-bodied student, even beginners. Includes a special, 18-minute film about Dharma's life featuring the music of Krishna Das.

    PurchaseLearn more

    Maha Sadhana - Level II

    Maha Sadhana Level II is the second DVD in this exciting new series. The structure is similar to Maha Sadhana Level I, but the practices, exercises and philosphy discussions are all completely unique. Level II covers more advanced topics and offers asana practices that are suitable for more experienced students. Includes a special 21-minute kirtan performance by Dharma himself, plus the story of the famous poster.

    Learn more


Dharma Mittra(达摩.弥陀)的《ASANAS 608 Yoga Poses》是闻风最早买的一本体式图谱书籍,从中学到了很多东西。 尤其读到他为了给自己的体式照相留影,用嘴含着快门球(那种早期的尼康相机)自己给自己照时,深为他的精神感动。 他是将自己的体式图籍作为向导师致敬的礼物而制作的。 他也谈到了当初的一些印度瑜伽师到了西方以后的变化。 出版本书的时候很多过去的照片底片已经无法再用,他在过了将近20年之后,从新拍摄。 虽然今非昔比,他的体式和原先没有多少区别。 据考察,他的体式有很多是自己所创,按他的说法,是一种自然而然流动出来的身体姿态,这也是只有在对身心有深刻理解了之后产生的对“人的神性”的不同表达和膜拜方式。 能放下时证菩提 无挂碍处得受记------------------------------- 闻风瑜伽教学和感悟blog http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1266249227
关于OM发音 om被视做最原始的发音,是因为它的简单,




Yoga & Life ─ Old Age

(The sensitivity of intelligence which has been developed should not be lost. That is why the practice has to continue.)


(By performing asanas we allow the blood to nourish the extremities and the depths of the body, so that the cells remain healthy. )




我自己已經練習瑜珈超過五十年(B.K.S Iyengar 寫於1988年),也經在全球五大洲敎過數千個學生

他們說 “我想我可以做到!”



摘自:The Tree of Yoga- By B.K.S Iyengar



1988年6月 優劇場劇團成立於台北市。
7月 創團作【地下室手記浮士德】首演 。
10月 【那年沒有夏天】首演。

1989年3月 【重審魏京生】首演於永琦百貨敦化店萬象廳。
6月 《溯計劃》,開始從事台灣傳統技藝與民間祭儀和當代表演藝術研究。
6月 《明山寺之行》由台北徒步到宜蘭。
11月 【溯計劃I~鍾馗之死】於國家戲劇院實驗劇場首演。


1991年1月 劇團遷址至新店市。
3月 隨白沙屯媽祖徒步進香(連續三年)。
11月 【老虎進士】參加文建會十週年慶演出

1992 年1月 【山月記~巡山頭、老虎進士】於老泉山劇場首演
12月 【水鏡記】首演

1993年2月 菲律賓演出【漠‧水鏡記】
6月 開始進行「靜坐」課程
11月 新加坡『第一屆亞洲表演藝術節』演出【母親的水鏡】(獨角戲) 、【破】。

1994 年1月 【優人神鼓】首演。
3-5月 赴印度展開《溯心之旅》。
8月 紐約台北劇場演出【爭】。
9月 韓國通渡寺探鼓之旅

1995年9月 【心戲之旅】於老泉山劇場首演,並於香港文化中心廣場演出。
10月 倫敦演出【流水】與【水鏡記】

1996年1月 印度奧修社區演出【優人神鼓】。
10月 參與雙十國慶民間遊藝演出。

1997年3月 達賴喇嘛祈福法會演出 。
6月 【種花】於老泉山劇場首演。
8月 韓國釜山『亞洲藝術節』開幕演出【種花】。
10月 【海潮音】於國家劇院首演。
11月 《鼓舞‧相遇‧原住民》雲腳東台灣35天900公里。

1998年1月 法國巴黎台北新聞文化中心演出【山月記】。
7月 法國亞維儂國際藝術節演出【聽海之心】獲最佳表演節目。
8月 巴西聖保羅藝術節演出【聽海之心】。
10月 赴中國雲南參加『第六屆亞洲民俗藝術節』。
12月 【聽海之心】於老泉山劇場演出。

1999年5月 參加『第二屆台北藝術節』。
8月 至馬其頓演出【聽海之心】進行藝術外交。
12月 【曠野之歌】於老泉山劇場首演,並赴南投、台中等災區義演。

2000年2月 「優劇場文化藝術基金會」正式成立。
4月 荷蘭、比利時、德國歐洲巡演18場【聽海之心】。
7月 【聽海之心】 台灣巡演10場。
8月 西班牙『聖地牙哥國際藝術節』演出【聽海之心】。
9月 義大利『東西方國際藝術節』演出【聽海之心】。 法國『里昂雙年舞蹈節』演出【聽海之心】 獲最受觀眾歡迎節目。 瑞士洛桑大劇院演出【聽海之心】。
10月 法國杜埃歌劇院、敦克爾克歌劇院演出【聽海之心】。
12月 香港文化中心演出【聽海之心】。

2001年5月 會員活動--五五百合日
6月 『2001新加坡藝術節』開幕演出【鼓雨迎春茶III ~ 和諧人文風】。 台北縣『宗教藝術節』演出
9月 『法國諾曼地藝術節』演出【聽海之心】
10月 義大利新喬凡尼劇院演出【聽海之心】
8月 家樂福藝術饗宴高雄演出【聽海之心】
9月 《鼓聲圓滿》東勢鎮、埔里鎮演出
12月 【持劍之心】年度新作新竹演藝廳公演2場、台北新舞台公演4場。

2002年4月 【捻花】小品劇作受邀『放聲狂嬉國際劇場藝術節』國家戲劇院實驗劇場公演2場
5月 劇團遷址至台北市文山區。
5月 挪威柏根藝術節。
6月 台北縣『宗教藝術節』新莊演出【聽海之心】。
7月 【金剛心】年度新作國家戲劇院公演5場。
8月 《優人神鼓‧西藏雲腳》至岡仁波欽峰轉山祈福。
9月 家樂福藝術饗宴台中演出【聽海之心】。
10月 「茶山秋鼓慶入厝」演出。
12月 英國巴比肯中心演出六場【聽海之心】。

2003年9~10月 【聽海之心】美國首度巡演五大城市九場演出。
10月 【聽海之心】紐約下一波藝術節演出四場。
2003 11/4-8 《蒲公英之劍》年度新作於城市舞台公演四場

2004 2/25-28 實驗計畫《U2觀點》首次演出
2004 6-7 《金剛心》高雄、台中、台北公演
2004 8 《金剛心》巴黎夏日藝術節演出及〔塞納河畔的足跡〕巴黎雲腳活動
2004 11 《金剛心》香港新視野藝術節演出

2005 4 《金剛心》中國上海美琪大劇院
2005 6 日本愛知萬國博覽會演出《金剛心》
2005 6 俄羅斯莫斯科第六屆契訶夫國際戲劇節《聽海之心》
2005 10 法國比利時巡迴演出 《金剛心》
2005 10 法國盧昂諾曼地十月藝術節《金剛心》《優人神鼓精華集錦》

2006 2 香港藝術節---香港文化中心大劇院《禪武不二》
2006 4 委內瑞拉卡拉卡斯國際藝術節《聽海之心》
2006 8 澳門文化中心綜合劇院《聽海之心》
2006 9 《與你共舞》台灣台北國家劇院首演

Note:我是在1992 年1月 參加【山月記~巡山頭、老虎進士】於老泉山劇場首演 5月全省巡演【山月記】。一晃眼竟已過16年,一首詩頗可表達此心情
獨上江樓思渺然, 月光如水水如天。
同來望月人何處? 風景依稀似去年。