

Anusara (a-nu-sar-a), means “flowing with Grace,” “going with the flow,” “following your heart.”
Founded by John Friend in 1997, Anusara Yoga is a powerful hatha yoga system that unifies a Tantric philosophy of intrinsic Goodness with Universal Principles of Alignment?
阿奴薩拉瑜伽由John Friend在1997年創立,是一種強勁的哈達瑜伽流派。阿奴薩拉瑜伽嘗試將密宗瑜伽理念中每個人固有的“本質的善”和“普適協調原則”結合起來。
Currently, Anusara Yoga is one of the most popular and fastest growing yoga styles in the world with over 1200 affiliated teachers and 100,000 students world-wide.
Anusara Yoga classes are now found throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the UK, Europe, Australia, and Japan with a growing presence in many other areas of the world.
Anusara Yoga is attracting media attention worldwide including a 2004 Yoga Journal cover story, CBS national news in the US, as well as newspapers and magazines throughout North America, the UK, and Europe.
Anusara Yoga's remarkable popularity is due in large part to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a "celebration of the heart," that looks for the good in all people and all things.
Consequently, students of all levels of ability and yoga experience are honored for their unique differences, limitations, and talents. 因此,各個層次的學生,無論他的能力和瑜伽經驗多麼不同,都會得到同樣的尊重。他的獨特品質、他的缺陷以及他的種種才幹都能得到恰當的尊敬。
This life-affirming vision sets the basis for a yoga system in which the harmony and joy of a tightly knit community is exulted.
Not only is Anusara Yoga an elegant system of alignment principles and non-dual philosophy, but it is also a wonderful community of highly trained teachers and fun-loving students. This community feels like it has the tightness of a family, yet the looseness of a merry band of bohemian artists.
As a community, Anusara Yoga is well networked and organized, yet there is a strong emphasis on creative freedom and individuality.
Anusara Yoga is held together by everyone's implicit alliance to the spiritual principles of Anusara Yoga philosophy, such as celebrating beauty in all its diversity, truthfulness, and honoring the creative freedom of the Divine in all beings.
Everyone is aligned with the truth that Grace plays the key role in the successful flow of their practice, classes, and the community itself.
Without a rigid dogma, the system is open to continual change and restructuring. Self-examination, discovery, and receptivity to new ideas are foundational to this dynamic system.
Individual creativity and investigation are always encouraged within the bounds of basic alignment principles and philosophic precepts of Anusara Yoga.
Anusara Yoga grows with harmony and integrity through the combined vision of our Anusara Yoga teachers to unveil the innate goodness, worthiness, and supreme nature of each student and every being.
Anusara Yoga Evolution Asia Yoga Conference with John Friend
Jul 3rd-6th, 2008 Hong Kong
John Friend will facilitate at the Asia Yoga Conference in Hong Kong.
For more information and registration, please visit the following link: http://www.asiayogaconference.com/2008/
