

Sherri: 在Ashtanga 比其它瑜伽体系更强调体位, 对于那些体位进步慢的学员,你有和建议?

Ken: 我是在32岁才开始练习,我4年才能做莲花坐, 5年后才能下起腰, 不能性急,很高兴地接受你的身体状况, 注意呼吸,也不要沮丧, 当你做好了体位, 你可能自满,当你做不好体位可能会沮丧,自满和沮丧都是你精神发展的不利因素.平时在练习Ashtanga时也不用太注重体位.
Sherri: 因为我以前不爱运动,所以一开始练Ashtanga是简直就是挣扎, 随着体力增强,觉得越来越容易, 当你开始练习Ashtanga是什么情况, 是否觉得越来越容易?

Ken: 我本身爱运动,爱冲浪,练了多年的艾扬格, 一接触Ashtanga就爱上了它.当我开始练习时日本并没有老师, 我是每天看着Pattabhi Joi教几个学生的录象带练习的, 并不觉得越来越容易,因为现在练习的体位越来越高级,但练习更有意识awareness, 知道自己的极限limite, 不过度not too hard ,又不偷懒, 练习更愉快.more fun.应该是比以前放松,于是也容易些了吧.


Ken: 瑜伽让你自由, 我们都有一些规则和极限,什么是对,是么是不对, 比如说有人说这对,有人说那对, 结果两人就开始争吵, 如果是你就不会与人争,OK,接受不同的看法, 更宽容,更接受, 更自由,放松, 开放的感觉. 瑜伽让我的思维越来越开放, 愉快地接受身边的事物.


Ken: 看《瑜伽经》, 台湾好象有中文版, 听听《瑜伽经》的梵文碟子, 弄懂它的意思, 出去享受自然, 自然让你心胸开阔, 开放, 不要禁锢在大城市里. 还有冥想,最少每天10分钟.

Sherri: 你是第一个把Ashtanga带到日本的, 可以谈谈Ashtanga在日本发展的情况吗?

Ken: 12年前我开始教Ashtanga,那时后人很少, 只有几个学生, 大概有3年, 人就越来越多, 现在每天早晨的一节Mysore课,就有50人.很多人坚持不懈练习.

Sherri:你以前是Iyangar 的授权教练, 后来又开始从事Ashtanga, 你现在还练艾扬格吗? 你觉得Ashtanga更有难度Dynamic吗? 可以谈谈两者的区别吗?

Ken: 我现在不练艾扬格, Ashtanga更适合我, 练习艾扬格的人大多身体有不适,希望瑜伽练习能改善身体状况, Ashtanga 适合体质较好 ,喜欢进步的人. 不能说Ashtanga更有力Dynamic, Ashtanga中的 Vinyasa 串联体位比较有力Dynamic, 练习中的运动movement 比较Dynamic有难度, 艾扬格中的体位本身Dynamic有难度,动作的保持有难度.

Sherri: 你认为艾扬格的背景对你的Ashtanga教学有帮助吗? 你认为如果把这两种瑜伽混合太多对吗?

Ken: 很有帮助, 特别是教初学者用艾扬格的细节把动作作对, 动作的细节帮助connect the body, 注意身体, 帮助练习者专注. 道具并不是必要的, 如果你看了艾扬格的早期练习录象,他是练习的高级体位是没有用任何道具的, 使用工具的目的是不用工具, 当你利用道具把动作做好了后,应该拿掉工具.使用工具是不方便的,道具不总是在手边,当你停下来去那道具时就中断了练习的连续性,打断了Prana的流动,这在Ashtanga练习是至关重要的,如果把两种不同的系统混合太多,会影响身体,引起疼痛,和思维的不稳定。


Sherri: Your Father is Chinese. Can you tell us a little about your background?
Ken: My father is Taiwanese chinese and has been living in Japan more than 50 years.
I was born in Tokyo and after graduate Japan University went to Los Angels and Taiwan leaned about business in the college because my father had a trading company in Japan.
I started help my father when I became 22 years old and took over his company when I became 32 years old.
I started practicing yoga about 17 years ago and opened yoga studio(International Yoag Center Tokyo) almost 15 years ago.
My first yoga teacher was Nancy senior Iyengar teacher from USA and she tought me Iyengar yoga and after 3 years of lerning with her took a Iyengar yoga assessment and received the certificate from BKS Iyengar.
Sherri: You are the first Ashtanga teacher in Japan to be authorized by Pattabhi Jois. When and How did you start your Ashtanga practice ?
Ken: I started to learn Ashtanga yoga with Guruji 10 years ago and since then my practice is focusing Ashtanga yoga.Authorized since 4 and half years ago.
Sherri: How did you like the practice back then when you started and How do you feel about it now ?
Ken:Yoga practice always helping me to move my mind more and more open and accepting the situation around me.
Sherri: In China Ashtanga is just starting up.
People begin to know about Ashtanga but many people think Ashtanga is too tough and only a few people practice it.
Can you tell me how and when Ashtanga began to gain popularity (in Japan), and how people received it at the beginning? And how do people like it now?
Ken: The life is always tough including Ashtanga yoga practice but I lerned enjoy the life when I practice even in the difficulties.The way I tought was always remind the students to accept them selves when they practice yoga. Never regret!
Sherri: Can you give some helpful advise how to maintain the regular practice.
Ken: Just keep going and keep the mind never give up even improving very slow.
sherri You used to teach Iyengar Yoga. Do you think that experience helped you in your Ashtanga practice and teaching?

Ken: Very much. The details in Iyengar help the practitioner to connect the body, to concentrate , it is especially important for beginner.
Sherri: What is similar in Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga, and what is the difference ?
Ken:Both are dynamic but very different way to approaching to evolve the spirit.Iyengar is dynamic in the posture itself, Ashtanga is dynamic in the Vinyasa --the movement.
sherri: I know some people try to use some of the Iyengar method in order to practice Ashtanga more efficiently and safer. Does that make sence to you. Can one mix too much of these two styles of yoga.?
Ken:If people mix too much of different method then affecting the body and create more pain also the mind became unstable.
Sherri: People say that Ashtanga tend to make people have injuries, and what is your advise in regard to avoid injuries?
Ken:Any yoga practicing method make people injuries if using wrong way.
Practice with patient and awarness , the breathing can avoid and heal the injuries.
Sherri: I kow you have been to China a few years ago. I am sure you will notice that Beijing has changed a lot. We are looking so much forward to the workshop with you and Basia. Welcome to Beijing!!!
Ken:I’m also looking forward to see the people in Beijing. Thanks


Ken 是第一位日本授权的Ashtanga教练,也是亚洲(除印度Pattabhi Jois一家外)的第一位,来印度练习10多年了

在日本教Ashtanga时每天才5,6个学生,现在每早大概50人,Woa!!! 日本人很喜欢Ashtanga,这可能是他们的Zen思想,做事专注执着,也是由于他们比较开放国际化,爱运动。


2008春,印度Mysore(迈索) 阿斯汤伽练习日记(上)
2008春,印度Mysore(迈索) 阿斯汤伽练习日记(下)
