
Go with the Flow: Alignment in Anusara 順位

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Dear Moli.
讀起來怪怪的, 也許是大陸方面的翻譯,小小雞婆一下...
universal principles,比較常聽到的中文釋意是
open to Grace:接收恩典(開放自己去接受比自己更偉大的能量)
muscular Energy:肌肉的能量(從肌膚表層將肌肉能量內收)
Inner spiral:內旋(外展的力量)
Outter Spiral:外旋(收縮的力量)
Organic Energy:延伸的能量
在Anusara yoga中,體式基於通用順位原則。我們認為主要有5個層次順位元原則,依次體現於體式的練習中:釋放優雅,肌肉的能量,內在的旋轉,外在的旋轉,組織的能量——John Friend
In Anusara yoga, poses adhere to the Universal Principles of Alignment. Discover the five main alignment principles, which apply sequentially in each pose: Opening to Grace, Muscular Energy, Inner Spiral, Outer Spiral, and Organic Energy. _By John Friend

An important intention in Anusara Yoga is to recognize our true nature as supreme auspiciousness. This auspiciousness is called Sri, the shining essence of life manifested as divine love and beauty. In Anusara Yoga, asanas are not only a means to connect with our inner Self of unbounded joy, but a way in which we choose to artistically express the delightful play of the universe. This intention can be more fully realized when the yoga poses are performed using the Universal Principles of Alignment, which help to optimally align the poses to their fullest potential in the moment.
Anusara Yoga中一個很重要的理念是將我們每個人真實的天性視為吉祥幸運,也可以說是我們的神性,這個生命是顯著的本質表現為神聖的愛和美麗。Anusara Yoga中,asanas(體式)不僅僅是一種與內在自的喜悅相連結的方式,也是一種對宇宙內(生命體)歡愉的場面一種藝術的表達方式。作瑜伽動作時試著應用通用順位法,會有助於將身體結構與動作實現最理想的一致,這樣練習者會深深體會到這一理念。

There are five main alignment principles, which are applied sequentially in each pose: Opening to Grace, Muscular Energy, Inner Spiral, Outer Spiral, and Organic Energy. Along with these, there are secondary alignment principles, which can be used to refine alignment. In each of the following six poses, one or two of the Universal Principles of Alignment are emphasized—but remember that all the principles are applied in every pose. As you move in sequence through the principles, you must maintain the action of the preceding principle for a cumulative effect. —J.F.

The Universal Principles of Alignment
OPENING TO GRACE Having the intention to place oneself—body, mind, and heart—in alignment with the flow of supreme consciousness. This involves approaching asana practice with an attitude of softhearted devotion.
MUSCULAR ENERGY A drawing of energy from the periphery of the body into the Focal Point (see below), which increases stability, strength, and physical integration in the pose.
INNER SPIRAL An ever-expanding energy spiral that moves outward from the core; it runs from the feet up through the pelvis into the waistline area. Inner Spiral rotates the legs inward, moves the thighs backward, and widens the thighs and pelvis.
OUTER SPIRAL An ever-narrowing spiral that moves inward toward the core; it runs from the waistline area down through the tailbone and out through the legs and feet. Outer Spiral rotates the legs outward, moves the tailbone and thighs forward, and draws the pelvis and thighs closer together.
ORGANIC ENERGY An outward extension of energy from the Focal Point through the core lines of the body to the body's periphery, which increases expansion, flexibility, and freedom in the pose.

The Secondary Principles
FOCAL POINT A localized power spot within the body. Muscular Energy draws into it, and Organic Energy extends out from it. There are three possible locations for the Focal Point: the core of the pelvis, the bottom of the heart, and the upper palate. In any given pose, only one Focal Point is active. The active Focal Point is the one nearest the most weight-bearing part of the pose. When the three possible Focal Points are equally weight-bearing, the pelvic Focal Point becomes the active one by default.
SIDE BODY LONG Lengthening the sides of the ribs so the tops of the shoulders come in line with the base of the neck.
SHOULDER LOOP One of the seven energy loops within the body. This loop originates in the upper palate and flows backward to the base of the skull and down the back of the body to the bottom of the shoulder blades. When you engage Shoulder Loop, the head moves back slightly and the shoulder blades move down the back. At the bottom of the shoulder blades, the loop begins arcing forward and upward as it draws the bottom tips of the shoulder blades in and upward, toward the heart. The loop continues forward and up to the palate again as it lifts the chest and opens the throat.
INNER BODY BRIGHT A soulful expansion of feeling and vital energy from within the body that gives the outer form of the body a buoyant fullness. This attitude is created in the first principle, Opening to Grace, in which the fullness of the inner Self is embraced so the inner luster of Spirit naturally shines forth.

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小v 提到...

Dear Moli.
對這篇的中文翻譯,有點想法,就我所學習的Anusara, 讀起來怪怪的, 也許是大陸方面的翻譯,小小雞婆一下...
對universal principles,比較常聽到的中文釋意是
open to Grace:接收恩典(開放自己去接受比自己更偉大的能量)
muscular Energy:肌肉的能量(從肌膚表層將肌肉能量內收)
Inner spiral:內旋(外展的力量)
Outter Spiral:外旋(收縮的力量)
Organic Energy:延伸的能量