- universal moral commandments or(整體的道德戒律)
- ethical disciplines transcending creeds,countries,age and time(超越宗教,國籍,年齡和時間的道德規範)
- (the five mentioned by Patanjali are non violence,truth,non-stealing,continence and non-coveting)(Patanjali瑜伽經提及包含5部分:非暴力,真實,不偷,不淫及不貪)
- the first stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第一支)
The trunk(樹幹)-niyama(自律):
- self-purification by discipline(自我淨化的鍛鍊)
- the second stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第二支)
The branches(樹枝)-asanas(體位法):
- posture(體位法)
- the third stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第三支)
The leaves(樹葉)-pranayama(呼吸的控制):
- regulation of energy and life force through rhythmic control of breath(經由節奏性的呼吸控制調節能量與生命力)
- the fourth stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第四支)
The bark(樹皮)-pratyahara(攝心):
- withdrawal and emancipation of the mind from the domination of the mind from the domination of the senses and sensual objects (走出感官的心靈控制獲得解脫)
- the fifth stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第五支)
The sap(樹液)-dharana(凝神):
- concentration or complete attention(專心致志或完全的專注)
- the sixth stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第六支)
The flower(花)-dhyana(入定):
- meditation(禪定)
- the seventh stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第七支)
The fruit(果實)-samadhi(三摩地):
- a state in which the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation(處於禪定中的瑜伽行者)
- the Supreme Spirit governing the universe(控制世界的至高無上意識)
- and experiences unutterable peace and joy(無法用言語表達的和平及喜樂經驗)
- the eighth stage of yoga(八支瑜伽的第八支)
摘自:BKS Iyengar “The Tree of Yoga” book p.45-73 157-180
- ahimsa非暴力ex.不殺生,不傷害人類或一切有情眾生﹐而且還要保護他們的生命。另詳非暴力的真義http://godsdirectcontact.us/com/ch/L4.HTM
- satya真實
- asteya不偷竊-不拿經由不當方法、途徑得到的東西。
- brahmacarya純潔行-不沉溺於肉欲的快樂。
- aparigraha不執著—完全不執著人、地和物。
- sauca清淨Cleanliness
- santosa知足Contentment
- tapas苦行精進Great effort
- svadhyaya自我學習Self-study
- isvara-pranidhana 信神Faith in God
- 瑜伽十戒轉載自"印度教導論"書p.132(東大圖書)出版"作者: 摩訶提瓦T.M.P.Mahadevan著;林煌洲譯
- Patanjali指出:
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